The New English Version Tarot

William Eisen found the contemporary or English version of the Tarot Deck after 7 years of study: He compiled 26 Tarot Major Arcana cards for the 26 letter English alphabet. To have 26 Major Arcana cards, the 4 Court Cards were added: The King, The Queen, The Knight, The Page. (These 4 have the same significance as the Tao symbol of a black comma shape and a white comma shape united in a circle: each comma shape contains its opposite color as a small circle or "eye" symbolizing interrelatedness of paired opposites.) The 4 court cards are the 4 paths from the "missing" sephira, Daath, connecting it to   the two outer pillars on The Tree of Life model of the Universe. The middle pillar of the Tree of Life is now completed. Alphanumerical name sum of these 4 court cards is 333, or 3 x 111, the alphanumber of: Perfection, Humanity, DNA Template, Alphanumber, Christos, Convergence, and  Male + Female Balance (The Empress and The Emperor are cards 1 and 26, or A and Z).

Universal Harmonics has added a 27th card which fulfills the 1 to 27 Numerological template, and the 1 to 1 correspondence of Hebrew and English alphabets. Original 22 Tarot Major Arcana cards correspond to the 22 Hebrew letters; the 5 added cards correspond to the 5 Hebrew final letter forms, thus the current 27 Hebrew alphabet letters. English reads left to right, and Hebrew reads right to left, as the inward and outward spirals from core or Source. Hebrew Tarot is the more elemental, or Involution of Spirit descending into Matter; English is the more psychological or Evolution of  Matter knowing itself as Spirit, or Knowledge of Source. Indeed, Daath is translated in English as "Knowledge".  The 1 to 27 alphanumeric template is also a fractal numeric system of numbers 1-10-100 to 9-90-900.

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In the English Tarot version, all Tarot cards have changed positions except The Hierophant and Death, which remain #5 and #13. Card #1 is The Emperor or "A", and card # 26 is The Empress or "Z". When viewed as a circle, the card at 1:00 position is The Emperor and the circle closes at 11:00 position with #26 The Empress.  Between these 2 cards, at 12:00 position, is the 27th card which is an  inverted Y, symbol of uniting male and female principles, or symbol of Unity from Diversity, All as One. As if in confirmation of this data, the alphanumeric sum of One = 34 = Daath.
The 26th letter as Z can also be read as "God", which = 26. A is 1, thus A and Z   together read "1 God". (This is  the unified male and female, God and Goddess idea.) The Y-Not, or 27th card, can also be understood as Zero, Unity, or Source in any Tarot spread or readings. 

The original Tarot card #1 is The Magician, which becomes English Tarot card #9. Our 9th English letter is "I",  the psychological  identity of self, "I am..." After a 9 month gestation, the  human infant grows toward the " I am" consciousness of individuality. The human quest is to find the "I" as Oneness with Source, Spirit, God.