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272                                                   Wilhelm Bock 1969

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Fig. 454 - Triassiflorites grandiflora n. sp. Mature, fertile, cone-like inflorescence, laterally incomplete, with seeds in flower bud enclosures and single detached seed below.
Fig. 455 - Enlargement of fig. 456 (upper right side) showing in cross section support skeleton (main axis and bracts), vascular bundle distribution and single flower in a protective axillary pocket of two adjacent bracts, the flower axis being surrounded by a layer of cover leaves, attached to the base of the axis, protecting spiral-dichopodially arranged fertile scale leaves around the flower axis above the cover leaves, developing in one or two terminal seeds, x 12.
Fig. 456 - Triassiflorites grandiflora, n. sp. Axillary flower bud of spec. in fig. 454, having top layer of cover leaves removed, x 12.
Fig. 457 - Enlargement of single seed, fig. 454, x 10.
Fig. 458 - Drawing of seed, fig. 454, x 20.
Fig. 459 - Enlargement of seed epidermis of fig. 454, disclosing papillae, or hair bases, with roundish papillaceous cells between, x 50.
Fig. 460 - Drawing of largely straight, squarish to elongated cell structure of main a.xis and cover leaves, fig: 454, x 100.

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