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Fig. 461 - Reconstruction of Triassiflorites grandiflora, n. sp. a, flower bud closed by covel leaves, b, c, d; medial cover leaves removed, indicating gradual development of paired seeds; e, drawing of abnormal cone of Cycadeoidea ct. dacotensis, trunk 154, showing normal seeds and larger abnormal development (in Delevoryas, 1968, pl. 37, fig. 16) a-d, x 5; e, x 0.7.
Fig. 462 - Reconstruction of inflorescence, fig. 454. A, idealized apical portion with medial cover leaves of buds removed; B, apical portion of fig. 454 with flower buds between axils of bracts and sub-bracts, x l.
Fig. 463 - Composite version of cycadeoidean flower with micro- and macrosporangia, x 0.7.
After Delevoryas, 1968, pl. 34; figs. 2, 4; x 2.7.

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