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and the Valley of Rennes, France

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The book, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1982) outlines a mystery connected to the Jesus bloodline and the area of France where Jesus and Mary Magdalene allegedly settled after he survived his apparent crucifixion on the Cross. After making a TV program about the Rennes-le-Chateau, Lincoln received a letter from an Anglican priest who had known a scholar named Canon Alfred Leslie Lilley, one of Sauniere's rich occult friends, and claimed to have been told by him that the treasure consisted not of gold or riches but of "incontrovertible proof" that Jesus had survived the crucifixion and had fathered a dynasty.

Numerous books have been written on the subject and mystery, not the least of which are:

Each author (or set of authors) has taken the mystery one step further towards a solution, and provided new insights to its complexity, which extends beyond the normal confines or boundaries of human capability, mundane understanding, and academic knowledge.

In order to understand how Cornet became involved in this mystery, and discovered that he might hold clues to its solution, first we need to review what David Wood discovered when he did an extensive instrument and map survey of key landmarks in the Valley of Rennes, France.

The "trend away from the written word is more than worrisome. It's wicked. It's tearing apart our culture. People who have stopped reading base their future decisions on what they used to know. If you don't read much, you really don't know much. You're dangerous."

--  Jim Trelease, author of "The Read-Aloud Handbook"

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them."

-- Mark Twain

From Cornet's 1997 review of GenIsis and GeneSet on the Planetary Mysteries website:

Review and Synopsis

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With only indirect help from esoteric societies and members of the occult, Wood spent years researching the mystery of Rennes-le-Château in France. Pitting his mind and intelligence against what seemed to be an intractable mystery that had confounded many sleuths for centuries, slowly and piece by piece he began putting together clues left by members or associates of the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross. Many of the clues he found in books and paintings from the Renaissance to the early part of this century. He spent several years mapping sacred monuments, geographic landmarks, and churches in the Valley of Rennes with little more success than his predecessors, who had filled many books on the mystery and about the treasures that legend says are buried there. His eventual success was aided by other researchers, such as Henry Lincoln, who did a documentary on this mystery after the book, Holy Blood and Holy Grail (by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln), was published in 1982. That book created quite a controversy, and peaked his interest in the Knights Templar, who the authors said held answers to the mystery and legends about Jesus' blood descendants. Then in 1984 he had a breakthrough, which led to further discoveries and his book, which was published in 1986. He credits advances in computer and satellite technology with providing him the tools necessary to accurately map the features in the Valley of Rennes. Without accurate satellite mapping capability, he said, he would not have been able to measure distances and angles between features accurately enough to discover the mathematical proofs. What he discovered will confound and frustrate even the most ardent skeptic, because of the mathematics and precision involved to create and lay out such huge symbolic figures over a 40 square mile area of rugged terrain in France. These figures cannot be seen from the land nor from the air, but only in one's imagination or on maps where the "keystones" marking their positions had been carefully laid out to a precision or accuracy of several feet. And it is that precision or accuracy that belies hidden or ancient technology lost to all but a few gatekeepers or custodians of secret knowledge through the ages.

In The Right to Reply (GeneSet, 1994), Wood explains how he became involved: "When Henry Lincoln presented the BBC Chronicle programmes outlining the mystery of Rennes-le-Château, I was particularly interested in his suggestion of the possibility of a large scale pentagonal ground plan.  Having been trained in trigonometrical and aerial surveying methods, I wondered if I could make a useful contribution to the solution.  At the time I had moved into the reproduction side of the printing trade, which was an additional asset, allowing me to create accurate monochrome separations of the existing mapping of the area.

"Among my hobbies, I had become interested in the interpretation of myth and legend, which in turn led me to study astronomy and the occult sciences.

"With this bag of tools I set off for Rennes-le-Château to give what help I could.  What I found shocked me, but I felt impelled to make my findings known.  I discovered an incredible geometric figure which was self-evident to anyone with an elementary knowledge of mathematics, but the response to my discovery was something I could never have foreseen.  I was inundated with correspondence which suggested everything from having me burned at the stake to being canonized." (Wood and Campbell, 1994: p. 48).

Prior to Wood's involvement others had also noticed that the towns in the valley were laid out in some sort of a pattern, which was one of the clues that got Wood interested in doing a more accurate survey.

from Lincoln (1991), The Holy Place

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Certain types of knowledge are kept secret either because that knowledge, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, would be abused and used to control humankind for evil purposes, because it would be challenged by conventional wisdom and overwritten or erased, or because it was intended for a specific time and would have little meaning before that time. But secret knowledge, the type that is kept secret by mystery religions, has no time handle on it (e.g. "Do not open until the year 2,001"). By its very nature, it is shared with only the initiated who have been properly educated and successfully tested for their loyalty and ability to keep secrets. The knowledge kept secret by the Knights Templar, which was handed down to them through a lineage of more ancient esoteric societies, is of the type that contains messages for humankind and our survival in the future. It is about a previous cycle in human evolution and a past civilization that had reached a high level of technological capability. In myth that civilization is called Atlantis. But that civilization was brought to an end by major Earth changes and global catastrophes at the end of a solar cycle, such as those revealed in the ancient Mayan calendar.

The overall message in GenIsis and GeneSet is about the periodicity of cycles much longer than cycles of human civilization (e.g. Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations), and about when the next cycle might end through forecasting the future. Such forecasting has been handed down to us in various forms. Apocalyptic Prophecy was one way of sending a message to future generations. Similar forecasting of End Times was encoded into the Great Pyramids of Egypt, and awaited the development of our sciences and archaeology before great minds were able to recognize and decode the messages. In order to insure that the messages survived, they were encoded in myth and legend, and passed on from generation to generation in secret societies that preserved lost knowledge as sacred geometry (cf. West, 1990; Hancock, 1995; Hancock and Bauval, 1996). But if that knowledge was meant for the End Times, then the originators intended it to be revealed or made known to the world at the appropriate time. But no one individual had the Key to that appropriate Time.

Wrapped in myth and fiction, Apocalyptic Prophecy forecasts the end of a cycle as if the initiator or originator knew exactly when that time would be. No one today would put much faith in a weather forecast, but if that forecast came from someone we thought was a diviner inspired by God, it might be taken more seriously. And indeed, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament has been taken very seriously by many Christians. When John wrote Revelation in prison, he was not psychotic or delusional, because he was a channeler for an angel of Jesus.

In order to understand GenIsis, one has to understand that we are not talking about ancient Egypt and the religion of the Phaorohs. We are talking about the occult and the way ancient knowledge has been interpreted and modified by different mystery religions during the last 2,000 years. Whether or not the ancient Egyptians would agree with Wood's interpretation of Egyptian myths and legends is not relevant. It is what those who preserved that knowledge thought, how they thought, and what they did with it that is relevant. An Egyptologist would probably cringe at some of the interpretations Wood gives Egyptian symbolism, and not think very much of his revelations. But it is not the myth and stories used to wrap and conceal sacred geometry that are important. It is the sacred geometry and its mathematical proofs discovered by Wood that are important.

In order to understand the Knights Templar, you have to understand Gnosticism. For those not versed in Gnostic scripture or knowledgeable of the Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945, I will give some background. Wood talks about the Cathars, a Medieval French gnostic sect that lived in the Valley of Rennes, who were nearly exterminated by Catholic soldiers and the Church during the 13th Century. It is through the Cathars that gnostic wisdom was handed down to the Knights Templar (see The Sign and the Seal by Graham Hancock, 1993). Early Christianity was not as singular and uniform in doctrine as modern Christianity might lead one to believe. There were two opposing viewpoints about Christ and His Resurrection. "Gnostics believe that, as God's Son, Christ was a spirit and could not have been crucified. This explains in part the Templar contempt for the crucifix, and tales of it being trampled and spat upon in secret rites. The emblem of the Cathars was a cord worn about the waist. Templar confessions mention just such a cord worn during ceremonies..." (Baddeley, 1996: 45).

Pagels' book The Gnostic Gospels (1979/1989) provides a very different perspective on early Christianity: "Scholars investigating the Nag Hammadi find discovered that some of the texts tell the origin of the human race in terms very different from the usual reading of Genesis: the Testimony of Truth, for example, tells the story of the Garden of Eden from the viewpoint of the serpent! Here the serpent, long known to appear in Gnostic literature as the principle of divine wisdom, convinces Adam and Eve to partake of knowledge while "the Lord" threatens them with death, trying jealously to prevent them from attaining knowledge, and expelling them from Paradise when they achieve it. Another text, mysteriously entitled the Thunder, Perfect Mind, offers an extraordinary poem spoken in the voice of a feminine divine power [Isis]:

"For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.... I am the barren one, and many are her sons.... I am the silence that is incomprehensible.... I am the utterance of my name.14

"These diverse texts range, then, from secret gospels, poems, and quasi-philosophic descriptions of the origin of the universe, to myths, magic, and instructions for mystical practice.

"WHY WERE THESE TEXTS BURIED - and why have they remained virtually unknown for nearly 2,000 years? Their suppression as banned documents and their burial on the cliff at Nag Hammadi, it turns out, were both part of a struggle critical for the formation of early Christianity. The Nag Hammadi texts, and others like them, which circulated at the beginning of the Christian era, were denounced as heresy by orthodox Christians in the middle of the second century. We have long known that many early followers of Christ were condemned by other Christians as heretics, but nearly all we knew about them came from what their opponents wrote attacking them....."

After several examples Pagels continues: "This campaign against heresy involved an involuntary admission of its persuasive power; yet the bishops prevailed. By the time of the Emperor Constantine's conversion, when Christianity became an officially approved religion in the fourth century, Christian bishops, previously victimized by the police, now commanded them. Possession of books denounced as heretical was made a criminal offense. Copies of such books were burned and destroyed. But in Upper Egypt, someone, possibly a monk from a nearby monastery of St. Pachomius, took the banned books and hid them from destruction - in the jar where they remained buried for almost 1,600 years." (Pagels, 1989: xvii-xix).

Within the Valley of Rennes in France exists a puzzle laid out initially as sacred stones, stone circles, and other artifacts of the Druids, who continued the religious practices of the ancient Egyptians (Brotherhood of the Serpent), and who were instructed to place these markers in precise locations. This may have been in accordance with an ancient pagan custom of marking places where deities had been encountered: Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." And he was afraid, and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." So Jacob rose early in the morning, and he took the stone which he had put under his head and set it up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it. He called the name of that place Beth-El (which means, the house of God). Gen 28:16-19.

David Wood (GenIsis, 1986) thinks, and with good reason, that there is a strong link between the geometric figures he has revealed and ancient Egypt. But whoever placed these markers, which have since become sites for churches, castles, towns, and sacred or mythological features, did so with a technology that today would require satellite mapping to a precision of feet over a 40 square mile, rugged mountainous terrain. Wood discovered that someone, probably at least as far back as the 1st Dynasty of ancient Egypt (2920-2770 B.C.E.), left to future generations of humans a message of symbols with proofs, a message encoded in the universal language of mathematics, a message so complex that only a society with satellite mapping capability could accurately decipher the entire message or puzzle. And therein lies the Time Handle, which would guarantee that the secrets of the Valley of Rennes would not be revealed until we had recovered technologically from the last period of Earth catastrophes about 11,000 years ago. Wood and GenIsis are proof of that. And somehow the ancients knew that we would not reach our current level of recovery until very near the end of the next cycle. But how could they have known that? - unless they had some control of events in our history which would prevent, until the appropriate time, the rapid technological development that we experienced in the last century. But the answer to that question may very well lie hidden in the mystery religions and with those initiates entrusted as gatekeepers and guardians.

Imagine someone leaving a complex series of figures, overlapping and interlocking, with only a minimum number of markers or points on the ground to define those figures. Imagine these figures being so large that one could handle them only by scaling them down on a map of manageable size. Wood was able to do this because of a computer CAD program, enabling him to measure distances accurately to the foot, which would have been nearly impossible by any other means, and inconceivable using the more primitive technologies of our recognized forefathers and ancestors. To make such figures decipherable, the creators had to chose mathematically significant points to define the figures, such as places on the ground located on or near points where certain "lines" of the figures crossed. In order to solve this puzzle you had to be a good cartographer and surveyor, well educated in ancient religions and mythology, and a clever mathematician who understood sacred geometry and numbers. Even though the figures I have selected from his book do not do justice to the ingenius work of Wood, they will give you an idea of the significance of his revelations. Not only did Wood uncover a connection between the myths and legends associated with the Valley of Rennes and the ancient gods and goddesses of Egypt, but also a connection to Jesus, Mary Magdelene, and the Virgin Mary. Aspects of this mystery were preserved first by the Druids, then by the Cathars or Gnostics, the Knights Templar, and today by the Freemasons, despite attempts by the Roman Catholic Church in the early part of the second millennium (1209-1249 C.E.) to destroy all knowledge of or information about this mystery and its secrets.

The images below come from GenIsis.

Circle of Churches Pentagram-Meridian The Crescents Temple of  Solomon The Serpent
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Below I give a synoptic interpretation of Wood's diagrams with their symbolic meanings. If you want to get the full scientific basis for his interpretations, I suggest you read GenIsis by Wood (1986), and GeneSet by Wood and Campbell (1994).

Image from GeneSet
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The solution to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château begins with its church on that high plateau, and its priest, Bérenger Saunière, who restored and transformed the church into a museum of religious art and mysteries in the late 19th Century. The story has already been extensively told elsewhere, notably in the best-selling book, The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln.. During the restoration, unusual documents were found hidden in a hollow of the altar, possibly left there by the Cathari or Gnostics. The key to deciphering one of the coded Latin texts was ultimately found on a gravestone in the churchyard of Rennes-le-Chíteau. When decoded the solution was apparently meaningless. It reads:




"So, obviously, word games and puns are the tools that Boudet and Saunière work with and hence there will be a need to examine the parchment code, "BERGERE, PAS DE TENTATION QUE POUSSIN, TENIERS GARDENT LE CLEF. PAX 681....", (Wood and Campbell, 1994, p. 71).

For Wood & Campbell's solution to PAX 681 see excerpt from SINE LANGUAGE.

By sleuthing Wood (1986) was able to see a pattern to the many clues to this mystery, which led him to recognize numbers and figures pertaining to a secret doctrine, which had been concealed in the imagery of various famous paintings: The Plague of Azoth, Les Bergers d'Arcadie, L'Hiver (Winter) - often referred to as The Deluge, Le Christ au lievre, the altar design of the church at Rennes-le-Chateau, depicting Magdalene kneeling in a cave with the persistent skull at her knees, Virgin of the Rocks, showing the Nephthys outline and the triangular rock shape on the northern slopes of Château de Blanchefort in the Rennes valley, and last but not least, The Mona Lisa. Wood decoded the title MONA LISA in the following manner: "LISA is simply L'ISA and Godfrey Higgins tells us quite clearly that ISA is the Eve or Isis. Under the nose of the Roman Church he had called this painting Ra-Isis, which leaves me in no doubt as to why she wears her knowing smile." The persistent references to the Black Madonna or Mary Magdalene, the demonic statue erected by Sauniere which stands in the doorway of the church at Rennes-le-Chateau, the rock carved into and named "the armchair of the devil," the isolated position and geometric construction of Poussin's stone tomb, and clues in cryptic passages from the book, Le Serpent Rouge, among many other clues, led Wood to realize that he was dealing with hidden references to the Egyptian gods Ra and Set, and goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Through his research and understanding of the various mystery cults and their secrets, particularly the clues which had surfaced concerning the secrets of the Knights Templar, he began to see an intimate link between the myths and legends about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt and the myths and legends of the Bible concerning Satan and the Serpent, and the real life characters, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Image from GenIsis
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Wood (1986: 47) states, "The links were joining and it was abvious that Isis was becoming the central figure.

"Returning to Pisces in Le Serpent Rouge, we find also a reference to the pilot or custodian of the Ark of Noah, and the word used in the actual document is le nautonnier. This, it seems, is a direct link with the Priory of Sion, whose highest grade is Nautonnier."

Further along on the next page Wood relates, "Two direct references to Isis occur in Le Serpent Rouge under Virgo:

..... . . Two times I.S. embalming and embalmed. Miraculous vessel of the eternal White Lady of the Legends.

and under Leo:

.... . . long ago her name was ISIS, Queen of the benevolent springs, COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO LABOUR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Others knew her as MAGDALENE with the celebrated vase full of healing balm. The initiated know her to be NOTRE DAME DES CROSS.

"Later it will be seen that the 'vessel' referred to is a clever triple entendre relating boat, chalice and the female generative organ.

"The second reference blatantly discloses the equation:


Thus Wood began to realize that the mystery, which was shrouded in Biblical symbols and references, had to do with a much greater mystery: The origins of the myths and legends themselves. During the early stages of mapping the Valley of Rennes, he identified repeating pentagonal angles between important positions in the area around Rennes-le-Chateau, which led him eventually to realize that he was dealing with a very large figure laid out across the various peaks and valleys of the region, a figure much larger than anyone had anticipated. Through his persistence and mapping of key sites and positions in the valley, he ultimately revealed the diagrams of giant circles, an unusual extended pentagram surrounded by figures that resembled an ark and a boat, and a hexagram which was mated to the extended pentagram with interlocking circles that enclosed both star figures. The extended pentagram is unusual in that it preserves the star angle of 36 degrees at each point, while allowing the arms of the figure to be of different sizes or lengths. Wood pointed out that you will not find such a figure in any geometry or mathematics book, and the mathematicians he contacted were incredulous that such a geometric figure could maintain a 36 degree angle in each arm. But Wood not only had proved that such a figure exists, he revealed that to have such a previously unknown and yet possible pentagram laid out in the valley meant that someone of very high intelligence, power, and technological capability had to have been responsible. He further recognized that this extended pentagram symbolized the female body with two legs, two arms, and a large (extended) head. The associated hexagram with its six points, which was discovered later, represents the male body with its external genitalia. The joining (mating) of these two figures forms a composite star, which he calls the Star of Set.

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As Wood describes his discoveries in Chapter 6, The First Line:

"The Paris meridian is the original European marker of longitudinal measurement, established around 1670. It was replaced in 1884 by the British Greenwish meridian dispite vehement opposition from the French, who made a strong plea that if an international meridian was to be established it should be a line based on either the Great Pyramid of Giza or Jerusalem! Feelings ran so high that the French only finally accepted the international verdict in favour of Greenwich as late as 1978 - and to this day domestic maps of France still feature their national meridian instead of Greenwich. As it happens, the evidence this solution eventually discloses strongly favours the French line.

"Two things then became significantly clear. Firstly the angle of intersection between the meridian and the sunrise was 72Ü - the base angle of a pentagram. Secondly, very near to this intersection was the famous tomb depicted in Poussin's painting Les Bergers d'Arcadie.

"What should I do next? As so often in these early stages, I turned back to Rennes-le-Château. I remembered the reference to the six colours of the rainbow under the verse for Aquarius in Le Serpent Rouge. Was it possible, I wondered, that 'rainbow' could in any way relate to the distance to the church of Arques (rainbow = arc-en-ciel)?

"I decided on a simple test; I measured the line between the churches of Rennes-le-Château and Arques - the sunrise line - and divided it into six equal parts. At once I felt I had something; the second division moving west from Arques brought me exactly into the Paris meridian intersection. This was, of course, impressive enough. But what further correspondences were there?

"I felt I could perceive a similarity in the distance between each sixth part and the distance between Rennes-les-Bains and Roque NÀgre. Tentatively I tested it; it fitted precisely. I felt that special tingle of anticipation together with a sense of conviction; this was the right path.

"With six 'manuscripts' (or components of light) identified, I examined the possibility of that measure having numerical significance. I found it was ONE ENGLISH MILE!

"I scanned the area to see if there were more 'coincidences' - one was amazing. The distance between the sister churches of Rennes-le-Château and Rennes-les-Bains was exactly three miles!

"I looked at the tomb again, I felt Poussin had to be important to have been mentioned in the original cipher. Then I noticed that, when extended, a line drawn from the tomb to the intersection of the meridian and the sunrise, passed through Rennes-les-Bains church. This was impressive to say the least, but at the time it did not appear to make any contribution to the solution. Extending the line further south took it close to Le Fauteuil du Diable (Seat of the Devil or Isis) and L'Homme Mort (the dead man). Could this be the 'He who is there dead' from the second cipher?

"My next move was either inspired or just plain lucky. I felt sure there was something of importance on the Poussin line south of Rennes-les-Bains and, taking my proven 'one English mile', I struck off that distance to the south of the church. It seemed to be no help at all; I marked the spot and pinned the map on the wall to try to understand how the designers would have made the next move. When I viewed it from a distance something quite uncanny seemed to be happening. Could this really be so? It was 2 o'clock in the morning and I was very tired - almost too tired to believe my imagination was not playing tricks. My slotted-templet positions seemed to be arranged round the position I had just marked in a perfect circle. I hunted for the extensions for my compasses which would accommodate this massive circle. With the position near L'Homme Mort as center, I set the radius to the church of Rennes-le-Chateau. I will never forget my surprise - even disbelief - as the compass traced the circumference." (Wood, 1986: 54-56).

Further along in that same chapter Wood reveals a major discovery:

"The fact that an occult society with sufficient funds could arrange churches in the 12th and 13th centuries to form this image over such terrain was unbelievable enough - but how could they have anticipated the position of the Paris meridian, which was not established until the 1600s? "A geometric figure of these proportions threaded through mountainous terrain to coincide with a meridian to this degree of accuracy would require 'star-fixes' using sophisticated equipment. After all, meridians are not lines painted on the ground for all to see. But quite apart from this, we are confronted here with a chronological impossibility: when the churches were built the meridian was not there! Or was it? Was even this to be doubted? Had someone established a global grid reference long before we could even imagine?

"Stunned by the magnitude of these discoveries, I returned to the geometry. If the layout of a temple existed here, circles and pentagonal angles would not form it. I needed right angles. As I proceeded I was pleased to find that the eastern arm of the north point of the pentagram formed a right angle with the line of the sunrise. I wondered if the walls of the temple were beginning to take shape. Try as I might I failed to find features on the ground to support that particular right angle so I next started a systematic search for anything which would form 90Ü with any other arm of the pentagram; I found nothing.

"There was no alternative but to return to the laborious task of sifting evidence and searching for clues. I needed to recognize another ground feature, and I eventually found it in the illustrated sculpture on the face of the altar in the church at Rennes-le-Château, one of the works commissioned by Berenger Sauniere (illus 49 and 50). Many things interested me in this feature.

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"It may be seen in the illustration that the Magdalene kneels in a cave, with a skull at her knees [symbolizing the skull of Baphomet?]. Outside we see a distinctive hill, and an even more definite shape - like a ruined arch. I had seen that shape before - but not upright. It was the shape of the rock at the summit of the Berco Grando when viewed from above (illus 51). The hill in the sculpture was recognizable as the Berco Petito. I checked my diagram and there was no doubt; the line between them, or to be more exact, between the rock outcrops on them, was tangential to the circle, and met the western arm of the north point of the pentagram at 90Ü.

"As I drew the line across the meridian I knew instinctively that I was about to receive another shock. On the 180Ü of approach my new line generated the angles of 72Ü and 108Ü. Here was the number of the goddess Isis (18) with her mother Nut (0) in attendance. Dividing these two numbers by 18 analyzed their 'hidden' meaning: the first became 4 indicating the square or construction, the lineage of the temple walls: the second becomes 6 the number of the sun-god Ra. The relationship between the meridian and the temple walls burst into my mind. Longitude marks time and so does the sun. The numbers disclosed by the Isis factor acting on the meridian were 4 and 6 which when multiplied give the 24 hours of the day. And Osiris was there as well, for the 360Ü cycle, when divided by 24 gave his number before he was dismembered (15)." (Wood, 1986: 65-67).

In Chapter 11, entitled The Knights Templar, Wood discusses the enigmatic idol called Baphomet. In an article entitled, Knights of Christ or Monks of Satan?, Gavin Baddeley (1996) gives the following theories:

"As I have already suggested, most historians now believe that the Templars were innocent of heresy, but if they were guilty, just what was the nature of their strange cult? Confessions make frequent reference to worshipping a devil named Baphomet. Baphomet's origins are obscure, and it appears in no other Medieval demonologies. The most obvious derivation is that Baphomet is a mispronounced 'Mahomet', and that the Templars had begun worshipping the prophet of their Islamic foes.

"Odd as this sounds, it isn't impossible, as Arabic culture at this time was far in advance of European and, if the Templars brought back other fragments of Islamic culture [from the Crusades](mathematics, architecture, medicine etc.), then why not Eastern religion? The Order was long accused of getting too close to their heathen enemy, and to the Christian Church the gods and prophets of other religions were devils. So if a group like the Templars set up an idol to their version of Mahomet alongside the cross, then charges of devil worship are unsurprising.

from GenIsis
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"Another theory suggests that Baphomet is a compound of the words 'baphe' (baptism) and 'metis' (wisdom) or a corruption of the Arabic 'abufihamet' (father of wisdom). Both theories imply the Templars were worshipping, or at least privy to, a secret knowledge. Several commentators believed this points to the Templars having been gnostics ('gnosis' meaning knowing)." (Baddeley, 1996,  p. 45).

Wood (1986), however, gives a more likely theory for Baphomet, which is consistent with gnostic worship of the Mother Goddess, Sophia, also known as Isis: "...When the Templars were disbanded, a silver head of a woman was found in a preceptory in Paris, and it bore an inscription CAPUT LVIIIM (58m). Henry Lincoln suggests that the M may be implying the symbol for Virgo, the virgin, and he may well be right, for the original virgin was Isis, Goddess of the Templars. The number 58 is less puzzling if one remembers that five (5) is the number of the pentagram and eight (8) is indicative of Isis. We may now complete the simple equation which exposes her secret number:

5 X 8 = 40 = 58 - 18 ISIS

"The numbers 5 and 8 are also exhibited in the beliefs of the 'Brothers of the Rose Cross', where the rose is constructed with a centre of five petals, surrounded by eight petals. When the language of the gods is revealed later, the reason for the number 58 will be even more apparent.

"But now let us return to the huge skull Baphomet. Could it be a gigantic skull which would prove beyond doubt that a being of such proportions had actually lived on this planet? Was this truly the source, or origin, or father of the human race? Could this be one of the secret artefacts hidden in the valley of Rennes-le-Château?

"Is it being implied that Baphomet is Satan? In order to conceal his identity, has Satan [and therefore Isis] been intentionally associated with the Devil? [The facts that Christianity intentionally excludes the female gender from the Holy Trinity, and links Lucifer to the Morning Star (Venus is also a symbol for Isis) are prima facie examples in support of this concept.]

Image from GenIsis
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"Is it coincidence, once more, that simply by allocating the numerical value of the letters in the English alphabet to the letters of Baphomet (2 + 1 + 16 + 8 + 15 + 13 + 5 + 20) the total is 80 (Isis and Nut)? An 8-letter word totalling 80. I have little doubt that the final investigation of the Baphomet skull will reveal it to be female; possibly the actual, or the symbolic equivalent, of the skull of Isis - the Supreme feminine intellect responsible for our elevation from animal form.*

*Publisher's Note - Immediately prior to our going to press, the author's findings have been substantiated by Hugh Schonfield in The Essene Odyssy, published by Element Books (p. 164). He showed that by applying the Hebrew Atbash code to the name Baphomet, the name Sophia, female wisdom, is revealed. Sophia is equated with Isis by Plutarch." (Wood, 1986: 123).

"Blasphemy requires the element of intent. If one intends to degrade, discredit, or otherwise distort the truth regarding something held sacred, this is blasphemy." (David E. Twichell, 2001, THE UFO - JESUS CONNECTION).  What has been presented here is the truth.

Numeric Relationships and Words

Universal Harmonics Analysis: converts letters in words and phrases to numbers by means of a template.  Through these numbers comparisons of words and phrases can be made.  It is by these comparisons that unique and meaningful relationships are discovered.  UH is based on the theory that words are not random creations, but visible extensions of intellect and the organizing part of the unconscious mind.  The Hebrew alphabet is similarly constructed with dual letter-and-number meanings.


Creator = Hallowed = 80 = Baphomet = The Beast

Jesus = 74 = Lucifer  

Duality yields:  

666 = 333 x 2, or Jesus + Lucifer in balance = Free Will (90 degrees/right angle)

    Free Will = 90 = Monad Choice

666 is 1st harmonic of 333, the Christ number/frequency.
666 divided by 3 = 222.
222 divided by 2 = 111.
111 = Christos, Perfection, Humanity (also, DNA Template; Fundamental; Dove Descending).

111 is 3 x 37.
37 = Being/Begin; Dies/Side; Seal.
37 + 37 = 74.
74 = Jesus; Cross; Lucifer.

<      >
37 + 37 + 37
<  >   <  >
Jesus Lucifer


triangle.jpg (11591 bytes)

CR   O  SS
74  <> 74
7 O 4

The word Cross is an anogram; two pairs of letters and an O make up this ancient symbol.   O symbolizes the Circle of Being, or the Cycle of Life, and the CR symbolizes the Christ Resurrection, while the double SS symbolizes the Seed of the Serpent in each of us.  Only together and as a whole do they represent the Total, or God.

Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." Rev 21:6.  In the Old Testament (Torah), "I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make peace (weal) and create evil (woe), I am the Lord, who do all these things." Isa 45: 6-7.  "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." Isa 44: 6.

The Star of David symbolizes the cycle of the Serpent, which is the movement - alternation of opposite forces (duality) in order to create positive change or revolution.

triangle3.jpg (30888 bytes)

When that motion stops or becomes stuck, the Double Cross (Cross of Lorraine) can result:

Image from GenIsis

crosslorraine.jpg (3931 bytes)

666 is 18 x 37.
18 = Big; Head; Gaia; Dam/Mad (Dam is Hebrew word for
18 is Hindu number of Completeness.
18 is the number of Isis.

Triangular of 18 (sum of 1 to 18) is 171.
171 = Metamorphosis; Serpent Energy; Serpent+Jesus; Light+Intelligence; Isis+Intelligence.

666 is triangular of 36 (sum of 1 to 36).
36 is the pentagular angle (female) by which the circle (x 10) is completed.
36 = Child; Feet; Oil; Field; Come ("The Spirit and the Bride say, Come").


Some have speculated that if Jesus had no human father, he would have been female, or at least had female attributes, such as breast development.  Whether such speculation is appropriate or not, the Sabbatic Goat (Baphomet) above is shown with enlarged breasts.  But what is even more interesting is that the image that appears on the Shroud of Turin also shows a male with enlarged breasts.  Below those breasts is a faint pattern that resembles the Caduceus, which occurs in the same position on the Sabbatic Goat.  Are these similarities intentional, indicating that whoever designed the Sabbatic Goat was aware of these features? (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion)

breasts.jpg (55762 bytes)

For more information on Baphomet, go to Stephen Dafoe's web page entitled,

The Curse Of Baphomet: A Jack Chick Tract.

Revelation 21:16  "I Jesus have sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches.  I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star."  In other words, Jesus is saying that he is the offspring of the Morning Star (Venus), implying that he is the Son of Isis.  But the Son of Isis is the mythological Horus.

Next Page: Bryn Mawr 

Permission to use pictures from GenIsis and GeneSet

----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Campbell <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Requesting permission.

BC: I would also like your permission to use your pictures and quotes on my
website, The Original Sin, with appropriate credit of course.

IC: That's not a problem as the pictures are mine and provided they are credited
as such, please use them.


Ian Campbell (B.Sc. Astrophysics)

All pages Copyright B.Cornet 2001
Date page last updated: 10/30/2005
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