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The Stem and Root Anatomy of Sanmiguelia lewisii,
and a Comparison with Extant Dicots and Monocots

by Bruce Cornet, Ph.D.

page 2

Table of Contents

Page 1

Preparation for Discussion

Sanmiguelia Stem Anatomy

Growth Habit

Habitat and Adaptation

Comparison of Sanmiguelia with Non-Arborescent Angiosperms

Herbaceous Rosettes (extant)

Herbaceous Erects (extant)

Vines and Lianas (extant)

Page 2

Comparison of Sanmiguelia with Arborescent Monocots

What are the shared characteristics?

Hypothetical Transformation of Sanmiguelia

Burger's 1981 hypothesis that monocots came first





Source publications

Comparison of Sanmiguelia with Arborescent Monocots

dragontrees_01.jpg (15614 bytes)    How would Sanmiguelia have had to change its growth habit in order to become an arborescent dicot?  If it grew larger with more crown branching to support additional leaves, it might have resembled Xanthorrhoea preissii or Yucca brevifolia (Agavaceae: Dahlgren et al., 1985).  It may have more closely resembled Dracaena marginata or D. draco (Dragon tree, Dracaenaceae) with its multiple and upwards branching stems.  D. draco can reach many meters high and grow a trunk more than 2 meters thick (Dahlgren et al, 1985).  Secondary growth in Dracaena is similar to that of Dioscorea, and is not homologous with the secondary xylem of dicots or of Sanmiguelia.

Dragon tree picture source:

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Modified from Dahlgren et al., 1985: Fig. 60.

Because its leaves were so large, it could have resembled Musa (different leaf venation, however), but would not have had a false axis or pseudostem like that of Musa and Veratrum.  Another difference is Sanmiguelia would not have had well-developed petioles similar to those of Musa.

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Modified from Dahlgren et al., 1985: Fig. 163.

    The importance of Xanthorrhoea, Yucca, and Dracaena is that they all re-evolved a secondary thickening cambium which produces a secondary woody thickening comprised of crowded vascular bundles separated by non-vascular tissue.  Leaf traces have to pass through the equivalent of wide (multiseriate) rays to innervate the leaves and clasping/sheathing leaf bases, like that in Sanmiguelia.  These taxa represent the only monocots that significantly deviate from a more typical monocot habit.  And yet they are far from duplicating the diversity of arborescent and shrubby growth forms found in dicots.  In other words, even if Sanmiguelia had evolved a Dracaena type of habit, that wouldn't have been enough to spark a phylogenetic radiation like that documented in the Early Cretaceous (Lupia, 1999; Lupia et al., 1999; Lupia et al., 2000).

What are the shared characteristics between Sanmiguelia, dicots, and monocots?

Table 1 from Burger (1981) with Sanmiguelia added. Color coded to show intermediate characteristics.
Small simple plants with few orders of branching and little aerial axillary growth. Small simple plants with few orders of branching and little aerial axillary growth. Larger complex plants with several orders of branching and much aerial axillary growth.
Vascular bundles usually scattered, vasculature made up of leaf traces in a loosely organized arrangement. Leaf gaps, branch gaps and nodes poorly defined. Vascular bundles usually becoming arranged in a highly organized vascular cylinder with internal cambium. Leaf gaps, branch gaps and nodes poorly defined. Vascular bundles usually becoming arranged in a highly organized vascular cylinder with internal cambium. Leaf gaps, branch gaps and nodes clearly defined.
Secondary growth lacking or rarely developed and never with a radial system. Secondary growth present, with a well developed radial system. Secondary growth frequent, almost always with a well developed radial system.
Prophyll solitary and lateral. Unknown - dicot condition implied. Prophylls usually paired and opposite.
Leaves almost always alternate, not generally differentiated into petiole and lamina; leaf base usually merging without differentiation into the stem. Leaves alternate, not generally differentiated into petiole and lamina; leaf base usually merging without differentiation into the stem. Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, usually differentiated into petiole and lamina; leaf base often clearly distinct from the tissues of the stem.
Laminae usually simple and with few ranks of venation, reticulate tertiary veins rare, margins usually entire, trichomes generally rare. Laminae simple and with four clearly defined ranks of venation, reticulate tertiary veins rare, margins entire, trichomes common. Laminae simple or compound, usually with several clearly defined ranks of venation, tertiary venation usually reticulate, margins various, trichomes common.
Embryo with a single cotyledon and a lateral shoot apex; primary root fails to persist; unipolar growth. Embryo with opposing paired cotyledons (one much smaller than the other), central terminal shoot apex and a lateral shoot apex (produced rhizome or stolon);  primary root continues growth; bipolar growth. Embryo with opposing paired cotyledons and central terminal shoot apex; primary root continues growth; bipolar growth.

Hypothetical Transformation of Sanmiguelia

    In order to understand what may have delayed an angiosperm radiation until the Cretaceous, given that Sanmiguelia is a Triassic dicot (Cornet, 1986; 1989a), what morphological and anatomical changes would have to take place?  An herbaceous origin of angiosperms is the current theory or paradigm in botany (Hickey and Doyle, 1977; Doyle, 1977; Doyle and Donoghue, 1992; Doyle and Endress, 2000).  If the examples of herbaceous angiosperms listed in the tables above are taken as the evolutionary end point or goal, the following changes in Sanmiguelia vegetative and reproductive morphology and anatomy would have to take place.

    Many times the obvious we don't see because it is so familiar, and false assumptions and bias obscure our vision.  Based on what we do know about Sanmiguelia, its survival strategy was specialized or limited compared to survival strategies we find today.

Changes Required for Sanmiguelia To Become an Extant Herbaceous Monocot

Changes Required for Sanmiguelia To Become an Extant Herbaceous Dicot

                           Primitive dicot (Buxaceae)                                         Derived monocot (Liliaceae)
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Left picture modified from source:

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From Burger (1981).

    The New Caledonia (Pacific island) shrub with vesselless wood, Amborella trichopoda, is considered to be the most primitive living angiosperm (USC; Harvard); it has female flowers with the number of carpels ranging from five to eight. Its leaves are alternate, simple, entire to pinnately lobed, and estipulate. Its ascidiate carpel is not closed apically, and resembles the carpel of Sanmiguelia, which also was not completely closed apically.
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Picture source:

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Modified from Cornet, 1989a. Interpretation of Sanmiguelia carpel based on well-preserved fossils.  Anther fragments and insect-jaw bite marks through the carpel cuticle indicate that Sanmiguelia was insect pollinated.  The type of insect vector can only be surmised based on the hook-shaped jaw marks.  Beetles and the flying ancestors of ants and wasps had that type of mandible, and they existed during the Late Triassic.

    Therefore, comparing Sanmiguelia to a primitive extant shrubby dicot will help show the amount of evolution needed before the morphology and anatomy of Amborella trichopoda could be reached.

Changes Required for Sanmiguelia To Become an Extant Shrubby Dicot


    From the discussion above, it should be clear by now that the evolution of the dicot-type of leaf (pinnate venation, petiole, small leaf gap, differentiation of leaf base from stem) was a major factor in the evolutionary radiation of angiosperms in the Early Cretaceous.  The argument that the closure of the carpel was the stimulus for the Cretaceous radiation does not stand up to scrutiny.  The angiospermous reproductive strategy would give primitive angiosperms an advantage over contemporaneous gymnosperms only if combined with other factors, such as vegetative habit, pollination, and seed dispersal strategies. 

"Flowers provide a record of mode of pollination in addition to revealing a precise knowledge of taxonomic affinity.  In conjunction with a remarkably improved fossil record of insects (Grimaldi, D.A., 1999), the history of floral form provides a more precise knowledge of the timing of angiosperm-pollinator relationships and thus of angiosperm diversification vs. insect diversification... And this relationship, essentially unique to angiosperms, has been considered one of the foundations of relative angiosperm success... The pattern of angiosperm radiation is consistent with the pattern of anthophilous insect radiation and the pattern of appearance of derived floral characters and taxa specifically associated with the most advanced anthophilous insects.  There is a compelling similarity between the rate of floral innovation/million years and the rate of angiosperm diversification during the Cenomanian/Turonian interval coinciding with the first occurrences of many derived insect pollinators." (Crepet, 2000).

Why is it that Amborella has survived with no other known descendants or sister taxa if it was "superior" and separated from other dicots at least as long ago as the beginning of the Cretaceous radiation (140 mya)?  See cladogram below.  Having a closed carpel contributes little to the most obvious (apparent) aspect of the Cretaceous radiation: leaf and vegetative evolution.  It is the evolution of the pinnately-veined leaf, the palmately-veined leaf, and the pinnately-compound leaf in the Aptian and Albian that stands out in the fossil record (along with implied growth habit and niche exploitation: e.g. Hickey and Doyle, 1977).  Pollen evolution (an aspect of floral evolution) lagged behind leaf evolution in the Cretaceous (Lupia, 1999; Lupia et al., 1999), implying that reproductive evolution was not necessarily the primary driving mechanism behind the Cretaceous radiation.  Floral evolution, however, may have been the quintessential speciation mechanism, which limited the amount of leaf variation in any one species.

    Crepet (2000) and Grimaldi (1999) indicate (imply) that angiosperm success is not necessarily due to seeds being protected inside an ovary (gymnosperms such as the Cheirolepidaceae, Araucariaceae, and Ephedraceae effectively evolved an analogous condition), but rather due to a symbiotic relationship with insects, where feedback through insect-driven selection determined floral evolution, which accelerated pollinator evolution through Busselator-like dynamicsThe missing ingredient in the Cretaceous radiation was intelligent selection, even though that intelligence may have been of the insect variety.  That ingredient (dedicated species-specific flower pollinators) did not exist prior to the Cretaceous.  Selection by humans has resulted in rapid diversification and subspeciation/variation in horticultural plants, dogs, cats, bovines, horses, etc., which to an outside observer might be mistaken for rapid evolution (i.e. radiation).  Such increases in apparent diversity are precursors to speciation.

   By contrast, Sanmiguelia apparently was incapable of sparking a similar radiation with its parallel-veined leaf, sheathing leaf base, and simple, tectate-granular imperforate monosulcate pollen.  How do we know this?

    Because it didn't!

    Excluding Sanmiguelia from the history of angiosperm evolution does not make the Cretaceous, angiosperm reproductive superiority hypothesis correct by default.  If the megafossil and pollen discoveries in the Late Triassic are accepted as indications of angiosperm evolution, there was a small basal radiation of primitive taxa that may have set the stage for later evolutionary exploitation in the Cretaceous (see Why and cladogram below).

    Composite cladogram showing the distribution of Sanmiguelia characteristics plotted on Figure 7 from Doyle and Endress (2000).  Other Triassic data from Cornet (2003).

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Modified after Fig. 7, Doyle and Endress (2000). NYM = Nympaeales; ITA = named after Illicium, Trimeniaceae, and Austrobaileya; CHL = Chloranthaceae; MON = Monocotyledonae; PIP = Piperales; MAG = Magnoliales; W = Winterales.

    Some critics of pre-Cretaceous evidence for angiosperms ask why there are not more records of Jurassic angiosperms if they first evolved during the Triassic.  If one examines floral diversity and the number of new families, orders, and classes of vascular plants in the Jurassic, and compares it to the numbers found in the Triassic and Cretaceous, it will be noticed that the Jurassic was a period of slow recovery after a mass extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.  Very little evolution above the family level occurred as floras in paleo-tropical and subtropical regions of Pangea struggled to survive.  Early and Middle Jurassic floras are very similar at the genus and family level over large areas of the globe, being dominated by relatively few taxa, most of which were adapted for aridity with small leaves (microphyllous).  The Cheirolepidaceae, Araucariaceae, Taxodiaceae, Podocarpaceae, and Pinaceae dominated floras of central and southern Pangea (e.g. Australia and South America) throughout the Jurassic, but not Eurasian floras of the northern hemisphere (see Jurassic floras for diagrams and charts), which had more gymnosperms with large leaves.

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Modified from Filatoff (1975: Text-fig. 5); Jurassic palynology of the Perth basin, western Australia.

    Coal formation, an indication of wet climates, was restricted to higher latitudes such as Scandinavia (Nilsson, 1958) and England (e.g. Yorkshire delta: Couper, 1958) in the northern hemisphere (Laurasia) and Australia (de Jersey, 1971; Filatoff, 1975) in the southern hemisphere (southern Gondwana).  Coal formation and wet climates in central Pangea shifted northward as Pangea drifted northward (Olsen and Kent, 2000).  In comparison, during the Late Triassic, coal formation characterized basins in paleoequatorial regions, such as the Richmond basin of Virginia (early to middle Carnian) and the Deep River basin of North Carolina (middle to late Carnian: Cornet, 1993).

    Following the mass extinction at the base of the Jurassic, palynomorph composition and diversity increased slowly through the Jurassic as climatic conditions improved in paleo-tropical and subtropical regions.  As a consequence, relatively few index palynomorphs evolved (i.e. common, widespread, reliable), making it difficult to distinguish the different stages of the Jurassic using only pollen and spores (Couper, 1958; Wall, 1965; de Jersey, 1971; Volkheimer, 1971; Volkheimer and Quattrocchio, 1975; Filatoff, 1975; Vigran and Thusu, 1975; Cornet and Traverse, 1975; Thusu, 1978; Francis, 1983; de Jersey and Raine, 1990; Cornet and Habib, 1992; Cornet and McDonald, 2000).  Whatever the protracted cause for this evolutionary retardation appears to have affected angiosperm survivors from the Triassic as much as it did pteridophytes, pteridosperms, cycadeoids, and conifers.  It wasn't until the Late Jurassic that we see floral diversity improve to near the levels at the end of the Triassic.  And it is also in the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) that we occasionally find evidence of angiosperm pollen, e.g. Clavatipollenites and Stellatopollis (Chloranthaceae and Liliales), two important members of the Early Cretaceous radiation (Cornet and Habib, 1992).

    The phylogenetic tree below shows only those lineages that lead up to extant angiosperms (the survivors) and those ancestral lineages we know about based on pollen and macrofossil evidence.  The Steevesipollenites pollen group (on the left), for example, which gave rise to the Crinopolles Group of angiosperm-like pollen in the earliest Carnian, survived the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic, and reappeared in the mid-Cretaceous where it underwent a second palynological radiation (Elaterocolpites-Galeacornea complex: Stover, 1964; Jardiné, 1967).  But that radiation of pollen morphotypes was restricted to the paleotropics of western Africa, and those taxa became extinct at the end of the Cenomanian.  It was from this same paleogeographic area that Cretaceous angiosperms began their northward and southward migration in the Aptian-Albian ((Doyle et al., 1977; Doyle, 1999).

    Following a very wet climatic period in the paleotropical regions of Pangea during the early Carnian, the climate gradually became more arid, although it did so in a cyclical fashion according to Milankovitch orbitally-forced cycles (Olsen and Kent, 2000). 

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Within the wetter climatic cycles embedded within arid and semiarid redbed facies of the Newark Supergroup, North America, angiosperm-like pollen appeared again and again in small percentages (typically <1%).  But with each successive appearance of angiosperm-like pollen, new morphotypes were present.  For example, just prior to the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Magnolia-like pollen (cf. Magnoliales) and zonasulculate Monsteria-like (cf. Arales) or Schrankipollis-like (cf. Winterales) pollen appeared.  Winteroid pollen is quite diverse in the Barremian-early Aptian of Gabon (Doyle, et al., 1990), implying a deeply-rooted ancestry.

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SEM and TEM examples of latest Rhaetian magnoliid angiosperm-like pollen (Cornet, unpublished study).

    Postulated angiosperm phylogenetic tree based on most recent taxonomic and molecular data.

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NYM = Nympaeales; ITA = named after Illicium, Trimeniaceae, and Austrobaileya; CHL = Chloranthaceae; MON = Monocotyledonae; PIP = Piperales; MAG = Magnoliales; W = Winterales.

    Major climatic shifts coordinated with continental drift, the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, and a global mass extinction event certainly played a significant role in the delayed timing of a sustained angiosperm radiation.  In addition, long-leaved, rapid-growing, flower-producing beetle-pollinated cheirolepid conifers evolved in the Early Jurassic of central Pangea (Hartford basin: Cornet and McDonald, 2000).  Their flowers resembled those of asters, while their immature fruits resembled Magnolia fruits.  They had ovules contained within a closed ovary with stigmatic pollen germination.  They may have been formidable competitors with primitive Jurassic angiosperms (an analogous situation existed between dinosaurs and early mammals, both in size and dominance).  These conifers lived in the same riparean habitats that angiosperms occupied during the Early Cretaceous (Cornet and McDonald, 2000).  We don't see angiosperms dominating those habitats until cheirolepid conifers became extinct in the Cenomanian (Lupia, 1999; Lupia et al., 1999).  Their flowers/fruits may even have been mistaken for angiosperm flowers (e.g. Lesqueria: Crane and Dilcher, 1984; Cornet, 2002).


    Burger (1981) details six hypothetical trends in the early evolution of angiosperms:

  1. Small simple plants preceded large complex plants in the early evolution of angiosperms.

  2. Scattered vascular bundles within the stem preceded a tubular vasculature with included cylindrical cambium.

  3. Simple leafy stems without aerial branching preceeded complex woody growth with several orders of branching.

  4. Simple undifferentiated leaves preceded leaves with a clearly differentiated petiole and lamina.

  5. Leaves with one or a few poorly differentiated orders (ranks) of venation preceded leaves with several clearly differentiated orders of venation.

  6. A clasping leaf base continuous with the tissue of the stem preceded a leaf base clearly differentiated from the stem; deciduous leaves evolved later and were a major innovation.

    Does Sanmiguelia adequately test Burger's monocot origin hypothesis?  If one just takes a look at extant monocots, one will find verification of all the above trends, even though secondary growth from a cylindrical cambium does not produce a dicot-type of secondary wood.  The dicot-type of leaf has evolved in several different lineages.  Monocot vines have evolved which compare uncannily with dicot vines (e.g. Dioscorea spp. and Smilax spp.; see Vines and Lianas table above), including deciduous leaves with petioles, several orders of venation, palmate venation, and cross veins with closed loops. Smilax rotundifolia (common greenbrier) even has thorns, more characteristic of dicot vines and shrubs.  If monocots could do it once, how about twice?

    If all dicots on Earth today were to disappear, how many vacated niches would the monocots and gymnosperms be able to occupy?  How long would it take for monocots to undergo a radiation, and replace the various vegetative and reproductive patterns we see in dicots?  These are questions that need to be considered when considering pre-Cretaceous angiosperm evolution.

    Monocots produce some of the most primitive types of pollen of any angiosperm group based on the fossil record.  Polyplicate pollen is common among some tribes of Araceae, and has been shown to be the precursor pollen type to the evolution of tectate-reticulate-columellate monosulcate pollen in the Late Triassic (see Cornet, 1989b and Why do Paleobotanists Believe in a Cretaceous Origin of Angiosperms?).

    Even some recent molecular data indicates that the monocot Oryza (i.e. grasses) is the sister taxon to all other angiosperms (Sanderson and Doyle, 2001; see their Figure 2 below), while the Araceae come next, then the Palmae.  This tree also shows the lineages to Cycas, Zamia, and Ginkgo separating later than the fossil record suggests.  Whether these possibilities can be adequately tested and proven or falsified with more data remains to be seen, but what it does do is demonstrate that there are plausible alternative theories for the origin of angiosperms besides the popular paradigm, which excludes Sanmiguelia because of its monocot origin implications.

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From Sanderson and Doyle, 2001.

    Thus the question boils down to this: Does Sanmiguelia represent an early stage of dicot evolution from a monocot ancestor, or does Sanmiguelia represent an early stage of monocot evolution from a dicot ancestor?  Or could there be a third solution?  Did the ancestors of extant angiosperms occupy an intermediate position which was neither monocot or dicot, sensu stricto?  Could Sanmiguelia be an indication of orders and subclasses of pre-Cretaceous angiosperms that are now extinct?  Are botanists trying to solve a puzzle where important pieces are still missing, and concepts of basal angiosperms generated without those data are incomplete or even misleading?  Might the ancestors of dicots and monocots belong to neither subclass?  For example, consider the parasite family, Balanophoraceae, which has an extensive pantropic distribution, implying an origin before the supercontinental breakup of Pangea (i.e. pre-Cretaceous), and a basal phylogenetic position indicated by molecular data?


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amphivasal: amphi for around or on both sides; vas L. for vessel or vasculature.

angiosperm: Any plant of the class (Angiospermae) having the seeds in an enclosed ovary.

arborescent: Resembling a tree in growth structure or appearance; tree-like.

bulb: A bud, usually underground, consisting of a short, thick stem sending out roots from below, and beqring overlapping, scalelike leaves, as in the lily, onion, or tulip; a fleshy tuber or corm resembling a bulb, as in a dahlia bulb.

bundles: A general reference to vascular tissue organized into discrete circular to elliptical or lunate-shaped (cross section) clusters of fluid-conducting cells (xylem and phloem) that pass like "rods" vertically through the stem.

cambium: A meristem with products of division arranged orderly in parallel files. Preferably applied only to the two lateral meristems, the vascular cambium and the cork cambium or phellogen. Consists of one layer of initials and their undifferentiated products, or derivatives.

corm: A short, bulblike, underground, upright stem, invested with a few thin membranes or scale leaves, as in the crocus or gladiolus.

cutin: A wax-like highly complex fatty substance present in plants as an impregnation of epidermal walls and as a separate layer, the cuticle, on the outer surface of the epidermis. Makes the walls more or less impervious to water.

dioecious: A condition in which ovule- and pollen-bearing structures are borne on separate plants; all dioecious plants have unisexual reproductive structures (contrast monoecious).

dicotyledonous (dicot): An angiosperm embryo having two cotyledons (first leaves); a member of the dicots.

disulcate: A pollen type having two (normally distal) sulci.

ephemeral: Short-lived, transient.

eudicot: First or earliest record of higher extant dicots.

floodplain: The flat land on either side of a river or stream which has been shaped by water erosion and sedimentary deposition.

habit: The form a plant takes, such as a tree, shrub, erect herb, rosette herb, aquatic herb, etc.

herbaceous: A plant having little or no secondary development; nonwoody.

interfascicular cambium: Vascular cambium giving rise to secondary xylem and interfascicular rays.

intrafascicular cambium: Vascular cambium restricted to a vascular bundle, or fascicle; not connected with cambia of other vascular bundles.

leaf gap: In the nodal region of a stem. A region of parenchyma in the vascular cylinder occurring where a leaf trace is bent away from the vascular system of the stem toward the leaf.

leaf trace: A vascular bundle in the stem extending between its connection with a leaf and that with another vascular unit in the stem. A leaf may have none or more traces. Sometimes the whole complex of traces of one leaf is called a leaf trace.

meristem: Tissue primarily concerned with protoplasmic synthesis and formation of new cells by division - responsible for stem, root, and leaf growth.

microphyllous: A plant having small bract-shaped leaves characteristic of arid and semiarid habitats.

monocotyledonous (monocot): An angiosperm embryo having only one cotyledon (first leaf); a member of the monocots.

monoecious: Bearing both pollen- and ovule-producing organs on the same plant; the organs can be either unisexual or they can be bisexual (both types in a single fructification )(contrast dioecious).

monopodial: Stem or main axis arising from a terminal meristem.

multilacunar node: multi L. for many, more; lacuna L. for cavity, hollow, cavern; in reference to the number of spaces or gaps in a vascular cylinder for leaf and branch vascular traces.

niche: A unique environmental area that provides all of the essential physical and chemical elements for a plant or animal to survive, grow and reproduce.

node (nodal): That part of the stem at which one or more leaves are attached. Not clearly delimited anatomically.

palmate: Branching outwards from a common point, like fingers on a hand.

periderm: Secondary protective tissue derived from the phellogen (cork cambium) and replacing the epidermis, typically in stems and roots. Consists of phellem (cork), phellogen, and phelloderm.

petiole: The slender stem that supports the blade of a foliage leaf; a leafstalk.

phellem (cork): Protective tissue composed of nonliving cells with suberized walls. Replaces the epidermis in one-year and older stems and roots of many plants and formed by the phellogen (cork cambium). Part of the periderm.

phelloderm: A tissue formed by the phellogen in the opposite direction of the cork. Resembles cortical parenchyma. Part of the periderm.

phellogen (cork cambium): A lateral meristem forming the periderm, a protective tissue common in stems and roots of dicotyledons and gymnosperms. Produces phellem (cork) toward the surface of the plant, phelloderm toward the inside.

phloem: The principal food-conducting tissue of the vascular plant, basically composed of sieve elements, parenchyma cells, fibers, and sclereids.

phylogeny: The race history of an animal or plant type (contrast ontogeny).

phyllotaxy: The arrangement of leaves on a stem.

pinnate: Branching at right angles as in a fern frond.

procambium: Primary meristem or meristematic tissue which differentiates into the primary vascular tissue. Also called provascular tissue.

primary xylem: Xylem tissue differentiating from procambium during primary growth and differentiation of a vascular plant. Commonly divided into the earliest protoxylem and the later metaxylem. Not differentiated into axial and ray systems.

protoxylem: The first formed elements of the xylem in a plant organ. First part of the primary xylem.

radiation: An evolutionary/genetic process by which diversity rapidly increases and new species, genera, and families of animals or plants evolve from one or more closely closely-related ancestors; if the radiation continues long enough (millions of years), new orders, subclasses, and classes of animals and plants can evolve.

rhizome: horizontal stem, whether lying on the ground (prostrate) or growing below ground.

riparean: stream banks.

scalariform pitting: Elongate pits arranged parallel so s to form a ladder-like (scalariform) pattern.
selfing: The reproductive process by which a plant fertilizes itself.

sessile: Attached directly by the base; not raised upon a stalk or petiole.

sheathing base: Applied to the base of a leaf, either sessile or petiolate, when the leaf base encircles the stem.

stelar: Relating to or of the stele.

stele: conceived by Van Tieghem as a morphological unit of the plant body comprising the vascular system and the associated ground tissue (pericycle, inerfascicular regions, and pith). The central cylinder of the axis (stem and root).

stolon: a runner or rootstock used to propogate certain grasses.

suberin: The same definition as for cutin with which it is closely related.

suberization (suberized): Impregnation of the wall with suberin or deposition of suberin lamellae in the wall.

sympodial: The apparent main stem does not develop from a terminal bud, but is made up of successive secondary axes, each of which represented one branch of a dichotomy, the other branch being a weaker growth that gives rise to specialized axes such as inflorescences.

tracheary element: General term for a water-conducting cell, tracheid or vessel member.

trilacunar node: tri L. for three; lacuna L. for cavity, hollow, cavern; in reference to the number of spaces or gaps in a vascular cylinder for leaf and branch vascular traces.

tuber: A potato-shaped swelling of a root, which serves as a storage organ for nutrients.

unilacunar node: uni L. for one; lacuna L. for cavity, hollow, cavern; in reference to the number of spaces or gaps in a vascular cylinder for leaf and branch vascular traces.

vascular cylinder: A term of convenience applied to the vascular tissue and associated ground tissue in stem or root. Refers to the same part of stem or root that is designated stele but without the theoretical implications of the stelar concept. Same as central cylinder.

vascular: Possessing specialized water-conducting cellular elements.

vascular trace: water- and food-conducting tissue and associated ground tissue passing from the stem to a leaf or branch.

xylem: The principal water-conducting tissue in vascular plants characterized by the presence of tracheary elements. The xylem may be also a supporting tissue, especially the secondary sylem (wood).

The glossary was created with the help of glossaries and definitions in the following books:
Anatomy of Seed Plants by Katherine Esau (1966)
Composition of Scientific Words by Roland W. Brown (1978)
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1961)

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