Esoteric Notes

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Set (Seth) and the Serpent

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The Principle of Wisdom
(Manly Hall, 1977)

"The serpent is true to the principle of wisdom, for it tempts man to the knowledge of himself. Therefore the knowledge of self resulted from man's disobedience to the Demiurgus, Jehovah. How the serpent came to be in the garden of the Lord after God had declared that all creatures which He had made during the six days of creation were good has not been satisfactorily answered by the interpreters of Scripture. The tree that grows in the midst of the garden is the spinal fire; the knowledge of the use of that spinal fire is the gift of the great serpent. Notwithstanding statements to the contrary, the serpent is the symbol of prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil. If this be not so, why did Moses raise a brazen serpent upon a cross in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might be saved from the sting of lesser snakes? Was not the brazen serpent a prophecy of the crucified Man to come: If the serpent be only a thing of evil, why did Christ instruct His disciples to be as wise as serpents?

"The accepted theory that the serpent is evil cannot be substantiated. It has long been viewed as the emblem of immortality. It is the symbol of reincarnation, or metempsychosis, because it annually sheds its skin, reappearing, as it were, in a new body. There is an ancient superstition to the effect that snakes never die except by violence and that, if uninjured, they would live forever. It was also believed that snakes swallowed themselves, and this resulted in their being considered emblematic of the Supreme Creator, who periodically reabsorbed His universe back into Himself.

writhing Serpent forming annular shape
Galaxy NGC 253 (Hubble Heritage)
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"In Isis Unveiled, H. P. Blavatsky makes this significant statement concerning the origin of serpent worship: "Before our globe had become egg-shaped or round it was a long tail of cosmic dust or fire-mist, moving and writhing like a serpent. This, say the explanations, was the Spirit of God moving on the chaos until its breath had incubated cosmic matter and made it assume the annular shape of a serpent with its tail in its mouth - emblem of eternity in its spiritual and of our world in its physical sense."

"The seven-headed snake represents the Supreme Deity manifesting through His Elohim, or Seven Spirits, by whose aid He established His universe. The coils of the snake have been used by the pagans to symbolize the motion and also the orbits of the celestial bodies, and it is probable that the symbol of the serpent twisted around the egg - which was common to many of the ancient Mystery schools - represented both the apparent motion of the sun around the earth, and the bands of astral light, or the great magical agent, which move about the planet incessantly.

"Electricity was commonly symbolized by the serpent because of its motion. Electricity passing between the poles of a spark gap is serpentine in its motion. Force projected through atmosphere was called The Great Snake. Being symbolic of universal force, the serpent was emblematic of both good and evil. Force can tear down as rapidly as it can build up. The serpent with its tail in its mouth is the symbol of eternity, for in this position the body of the reptile has neither beginning nor end. The head and tail represent the positive and negative poles of the cosmic life circuit. The initiates of the Mysteries were often referred to as serpents, and their wisdom was considered analogous to the divinely inspired power of the snake." (Hall, 1977, p. LXXXVII).

In 43 A.D., having invaded Britain, the Romans established a riverside base that they named 'Londinium' (meaning: "Fortress of the Moon"). Under the Romans, the serpent-like River Thames that we know today was then named The Isis (S. Clementson, pers. com. 2001).  Naming that river after Isis clearly establishes a connection between the goddess and the creative/destructive powers of the Serpent, so inherent in a mighty river.

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The Merovingian Mythos and the Typhonian Tradition

excerpts from Vadge Moore

"Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition."
-- Aleister Crowley

"Lincoln's researches have undoubtedly illumined certain phases of an ancient myth-cycle intimately associated with the Typhonian Current. They reveal a possible connection between an historic lineage - the Merovingian - and the Typhonian Tradition."
-- Kenneth Grant

"What is this Typhonian Tradition and how is it linked to the Merovingian/Grail Bloodline and the Priory of Sion as described in Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln and Richard Leigh's book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail? According to Kenneth Grant, a leading exponent of this Typhonian Tradition, and head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (a magical organization that was once headed by the one and only Aleister Crowley) this tradition is part of a current of magical force and occult lore dating back to Sumeria and pre-Dynastic Egypt. Originally known as the Draconian Tradition it is a magical current "based on initiated knowledge or gnosis of the Fire Snake." The Fire Snake is also known as the Kundalini or the Ophidian Current; the basis of all true initiation.

"Who is Typhon? According to Mr. Grant, Typhon is "The feminine aspect of Set; sometimes typified as the Mother of Set in her role of Goddess of the Seven Stars, of which Set is the Eighth." Set is the brother of Osiris in the Egyptian Pantheon. Set, Osiris' dark brother, chopped Osiris up into many pieces, leaving him for dead. Set was also the prototype for Satan. Grant writes, "The word Set or Sut, means 'black'. This indicates not only the generative nature of this god but also his association with the night-world, Amenta, for from being a god of the heavens Set fell beneath the horizon and was recognized in later mythologies as the Lord of Hell, the Hidden Land... This god is of supreme importance in Crowley's Cult, being not only the name of the primal creative spirit but also the formula of sexual magick."

"Set was the "black god". He was known as "he who is below." He was banished to the underworld by his "twin" Horus for killing Osiris. The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the "forbidden" arts. In this publication the Nephilim have been identified as the Fathers of the Merovingians. Set was generally considered to be a vile, vicious god baneful to men. But there are enough aspects of this god that link him to the ancient Sumerian myths, the basis of the Merovingian mythos published in this magazine [Dagobert's Revenge], to show that Set is to be identified with the same gods and characters that make up these Mythos. He may have been considered baneful towards some races, but not the race of the Grail." (Moore, 2001).

The Osiris, Set, Isis Myth
(David Wood, 1986)

"Isis was queen to Osiris, and it was he who was responsible for the transformation of men from barbarity and cannibalism into civilized creatures. Osiris moved around the world introducing to them agriculture and science. During his absence Isis ruled over Egypt and was greatly revered. Set, brother of Osiris, became jealous of the power, popularity and success of Osiris. So he devised a plot to murder him.

"I would remind the reader at this stage that these five gods of the Osirian pantheon - although born from a mother of pure spirit - were creatures of flesh, and as such could be killed. On the other hand, so perfectly were they created that unless their lives were terminated by violent means they would live for a thousand years or more and it is significant that nowhere in the Pyramid Texts is there any record of the death of Isis or Set.

"The plan of Set was to construct a chest of exceptional beauty, shaped in such a manner as to fit precisely the body of Osiris. Then he and 72 accomplices (note the pentagonal number) would invite Osiris to a banquet. Each of them would lie in the chest on the understanding that the one who it fitted best would take it for his own. The plan succeeded. When Osiris climbed into the chest they quickly sealed the lid and threw the chest into the
Nile. On hearing this, Isis was grief-stricken and went in search of her husband's body.

"Isis had the power to resurrect the dead and, having eventually recovered the body, Set knew that Osiris would live again. Determined not to be outdone, he cut the body into fifteen (15) pieces and scattered it far and wide.  The lamentations of Isis are well known. She gained great respect from her subjects, when they saw the way she would not rest until she had recovered all the parts of her husband's body. Nephthys, her sister, assisted
her in the search. Despite being the wife of Set, she did not approve of his actions and was always ready to assist Isis in times of need.

Image from GenIsis
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"Eventually, all the parts of Osiris's body were recovered except one - the phallus - and it is important for the reader to remember this critical number. The male body consists of fifteen (15) parts. Fourteen (14) were found, one was lost, thereby explaining the apparent contradiction concerning the number of Osiris. You will recall that the number representing Osiris was 14, but this signifies a female body, or alternatively a male body with the phallus removed. The complete body of Osiris is indicated by the number 15."

"The illustration (21) from the Papyrus of Ani now becomes intelligible.  At the head of the plate we find two groups of six serpents (6 x 6 = 36, pentagonal and female), but the line of serpents was only 35, clearly showing us that one part, the serpent or phallic emblem, is missing.

Image from GenIsis
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"The pentagonal influence appears throughout the plate, but nowhere more obviously than in the four (4) children of Horus standing on a lotus of six (6) petals and three (3) leaves.

4  x 6  x 3  = 72  (the base angle of the pentagram)

(GenIsis, 1986: p. 33-35).

Another version of the myth associates the dead Osiris with a tree (branch, stick).

The Myth of Osiris and Isis, and the Birth of Horus

From The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell (1988, p. 220-223):

"Moyers: If we go back to antiquity, do we find images of the Madonna as the mother of the savior child?

"Campbell: The antique model for the Madonna, actually, is Isis with Horus at her breast.

"Moyers: Isis?

"Campbell: It's a complicated story. Indeed all of these get to be pretty complicated. But Isis and her husband Osiris were twins, born of the Goddess Nut. And their younger relatives were Seth and Nephthys, who were also twins born from Nut. One night, Osiris slept with Nephthys, thinking she was Isis - a kind of inattention to details, you might say. From that night's event, Anubis was born, Osiris' oldest son, but by the wrong wife. Seth, her husband, took this badly and planned to kill his older brother, Osiris. Secretly he took Osiris' measurements and had a beautiful sarcophagus made that would exactly fit him. And then, one evening, when there was a lively party in progress among the gods, Seth came in with his sarcophagus and declared that anyone whom it perfectly fitted could have it as a gift for his tomb. Everyone at the party tried, and of course when Osiris got in, the sarcophagus fitted him perfectly. Immediately seventy-two accomplices came rushing out, and they clapped the lid on, strapped it together, and threw it into the Nile. So what we have here is the death of a god. And whenever you have the death of such a god as this, you may next expect a resurrection.

"The death of Osiris was symbolically associated with the annual rising and flooding of the river Nile, by which the soil of Egypt was annually fertilized. It was as though the rotting of the body of Osiris fertilized and vitalized the land.

"Osiris went floating down the Nile and was washed ashore on a beach in Syria. A beautiful tree with a wonderful aroma grew up and incorporated the sarcophagus in its trunk.  [Could this trunk be a symbol for a very large phallus?]  The local king had just had a son born to him and happened at the time to be about to build a palace. And because the aroma of that tree was so wonderful, he had it cut down and brought in to become the central pillar in the main room of the palace.

"Meanwhile the poor goddess Isis, whose husband had been thrown into the Nile, started off on a search for his body. This theme of the search for the God who is the spouse of the soul is a prime mythological theme of the period: of the Goddess who goes in quest of her lost spouse or lover and, through loyalty and a descent into the realm of death, becomes his redeemer.

"Isis comes in time to the palace and there learns of the aromatic column in the royal palace. She suspects this may have something to do with Osiris, and she gets a job as nurse to the newborn child. Well, she lets the child nurse from her finger - after all, she's a goddess, and there's a limit to the degree of stooping to conquer. But she loves the little boy and decides to give him immortality by placing him in the fireplace to burn his mortal body away. As a goddess, she could prevent the fire from killing him, you understand. And every evening, while the child is in the fire, she transforms herself into a swallow and goes flying mournfully around the column in which her husband is enclosed.

"One evening the child's mother comes into the room while this little scene is in progress, sees her infant in the fireplace, lets out a scream, which breaks the spell, and the child has to be rescued from incineration. The swallow, meanwhile, has turned back into the gorgeous nurse and goddess, who explains the situation and says to the queen, "By the way, it's my husband there in that column, and I'd be grateful if you would just let me take him home." So the king, who has appeared on the scene, says, "Why, yes! Certainly." He has the column removed, turns it over to Isis, and the beautiful sarcophagus containing Osiris is placed on a royal barge.

"On the way back to the Nile Delta, Isis removes the lid of the coffin, lies upon her dead husband, and conceives. This is a motif that appears in the ancient mythologies all the time under many symbolic forms - out of death comes life. Then the barge has landed, the Goddess gives birth in the papyrus swamp to her child, Horus; and it was the figure of this divine other with her child conceived of God that became the model for the Madonna.

"Moyers: And the swallow became, did it not, the dove?

"Campbell: Well, the dove, the bird in flight, is a pretty nearly universal symbol of the spirit, as in Christianity, of the Holy Ghost -

"Moyers: - associated with the sacred mother?

"Campbell: With the mother as conceiving of the spirit, yes. But one more little detail here. The jealous younger brother, Seth, meanwhile, has usurped the throne of Osiris. However, properly to represent the throne, he should marry Isis. In Egyptian iconography, Isis represents the throne. The Pharaoh sits on the throne, which is Isis, as a child on its mother's lap. And so, when you stand before the cathedral of Chartres, you will see over one of the portals of the western front an image of the Madonna as the throne upon which the child Jesus sits and blesses the world as its emperor. That is precisely the image that has come down to us from most ancient Egypt. The early fathers and the early artists took over these images intentionally.

"Moyers: The Christian fathers took the image of Isis?

"Campbell: Definitely. They say so themselves. Read the text where it is declared that "those forms which were merely mythological forms in the past are now actual and incarnate in our Savior." The mythologies here referred to were of the dead and resurrected god: Attis, Adonis, Gilgamesh, Osiris, one after the other. The death and resurrection of the god is everywhere associated with the moon, which dies and is resurrected every month. It is for two nights, or three days dark, and we have Christ for two nights, or three days in the tomb.

"No one knows what the actual date of the birth of Jesus might have been, but it has been put on what used to be the date of the winter solstice, December 25, when the nights begin to be shorter and the days longer. That is the moment of the rebirth of light. That was exactly the date of the birth of the Persian God of light, Mithra, Sol, the Sun."

The Set-Isis-Osiris Myth Encoded in a Giant Crop Circle Formation

Image courtesy of

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Steven Clementson (Hertfordshire, U.K.) numerically analyzes the Milk Hill Crop Circle Formation, which was formed on the night of 13 August 2001 in Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, U.K.

Key to deciphering this crop circle pattern is the 7th circle, which is at the center and is the largest, while numbers 6 and 8 are progressively smaller, representing the ebb and flow components.  The lunate arrangement of the circle arms is also significant, since the crescent shape has much esoteric significance.  By numbering each circle in one of the crescents, Clementson revealed a repeating cycle or pattern: Circle no. 1 is almost always smaller than circle no. 13.  The fact that there are 13 circles makes complete Biblical and esoteric synchrony.  Also, the 8th circle consistently has only one arm coming off of it, while all the others have two arms.  In contrast, the 6th circle consistently has two arms.  One could also reword the previous statement by noting that the 7th circle consistently has three arms coming off of it, one of which grows into another crescentric loop.  Circle no. 6 is whole, no. 7 is pregnant (the largest and gives birth), while no. 8 is handicapped (missing an appendage).  Relative to the Isis, Osiris, and Set myths, that pattern is complementary, with Set being 6th (first in line; 6 representing the material world and body), Isis becoming pregnant (with Horus - offspringing as a new crescent) and Osiris losing an appendage (handicapped) and becoming incomplete (on the descending part of crescent - symbolic of the path towards physical death): With the repeating arms of the crop glyph symbolizing a continuing process of birth and death, and life eternal through reincarnation with all crescents ending back at the beginning - the central Sun.

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This is perhaps one of the most powerful crop glyphs ever created.

A Sticky Point

(pun intended)

Isis substituted the dead Osiris's missing penis with a stick provided by her good friend Thoth.  Could the stick (or branch) have another meaning?

Wood (GenIsis, 1986) gives the following explanation:

"Not only did the serpent manifest itself in the history of every religion but the further one probes back, the more significant it becomes.  Christianity ensures that it makes an early appearance where, in the Old Testament, it tempts Eve and it appers later as a feature of demonstrable magic.  Snake-charmers were known to have the ability to cause a snake to become as rigid as a staff, and it is obvious from Exodus that Moses and Aaron were well versed in this art:

"And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh and they did as the Lord commanded and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent (Illus 14).
Exodus 7:10.

"Moses had previously been witness to the phenomenon of the burning bush and, when he expressed doubt in his ability to confront the Pharaoh, the Lord had asked him what he held in his hand.  Moses replied that it was a rod (staff or stick):

"And the Lord said unto him, Cast it on the ground.  And he cast it on the ground and it became a serpent: and Moses fled from it (Illus 15).
Exodus 4:3.

Image from GenIsis
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"One can easily recognize the significance of the symbols.  The serpent in its rigid form represents the phallus.  In its circular form it becomes the female generative organ.  Hence, the significance of the number 10, which some suggest represents mathematical perfection or God.  It has the power to multiply without changing form: a female function.  And Io was the Greek name for Isis!

"Another important symbol of the ancient doctrine is the caduceus, a symbol formed by two snakes or serpents entwined round a central staff - a geometric figure referred to as a lemniscate (illus 16).

Image from GenIsis
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Viewed from the side it appears to be a figure 8 divided by a vertical staff (illus 17) - but it also implies that 8 should be combined with the vertical staff which represents a 'one' giving us 18 - an obvious icon for the Goddess Isis." (GenIsis, 1986: p. 24-27).

from GenIsis
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The Serpent and Isis in Philadelphia

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Remember, this essay is about myth, not history.  The Power of Myth in shaping human beliefs and history is extraordinary.  Let's take a closer look at the Rennes figure overlain on Philadelphia.  The Serpent in the Sky hieroglyph fits almost perfectly (minor modifications required) the shape of the Delaware River (D - el - aware) below Philadelphia, and the God Set is seated upon Red Bank, with the Serpent emerging from his crown chakra.

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The Serpent appears to be snaking its way up from Red Bank between the legs of the goddess Isis, and into her womb.  But we know now that the Serpent can be a staff or erect stick, and that Isis used such a stick, provided to her by Thoth, as a substitute for the missing penis of Osiris.  Red and Serpent are joined in the book, Le Serpent Rouge, which contains many clues to the Rennes-le-Château mystery.  All three authors of that book mysteriously died on the 6th and 7th of March, 1967 (Wood, 1986: p. 42).

The dual meaning of the staff/snake symbol is significant (exemplified by the Caduceus).  Was it Osiris who ultimately impregnated Isis?  Is Osiris the real father of Horus?  Or is it the Serpent?  Was this Set's revenge for Osiris sleeping with his wife Nephthys, and making her pregnant?  Is this the meaning of the Philadelphia version of the Rennes-le-Château mystery?

The Gnostic Gospels provide a very different perspective on early Christianity: "Scholars investigating the Nag Hammadi find discovered that some of the texts tell the origin of the human race in terms very different from the usual reading of Genesis: the Testimony of Truth, for example, tells the story of the Garden of Eden from the viewpoint of the serpent! Here the serpent, long known to appear in Gnostic literature as the principle of divine wisdom, convinces Adam and Eve to partake of knowledge while "the Lord" threatens them with death, trying jeaously to prevent them from attaining knowledge, and expelling them from the Paradise when they achieve it." Pagels (1979/1989).

If Set can be compared to the Serpent, can Osiris be compared to the Lord in the Garden of Eden story?  Is it only the Serpent which can impart intelligence and wisdom, and therefore awareness of good and evil?  Recall that a line drawn from the head of the Serpent to Bryn Mawr (symbolic of Rennes-le-Château) passes through the town of Narberth.  Narberth can be translated, the birth of Nar, or the birth of the Mind, of Consciousness, which are required for Intellect, and through intellect - Wisdom.  Is the connection any clearer now?

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Reviewing the myth: "One night, Osiris slept with Nephthys, thinking she was Isis - a kind of inattention to details, you might say. From that night's event, Anubis was born, Osiris' oldest son, but by the wrong wife. Seth [Set], her husband, took this badly and planned to kill his older brother, Osiris. (Campbell, 1988).

Then Isis and Nephthys could not find all the body parts of Osiris, and had to substitute a stick for his penis.  It just so happens that the stick also symbolizes an erect snake or Serpent.  And Set (Seth) is represented by the Serpent.  The substitution act is a metaphor for changing the sperm donor.

So, who is the father of Horus?
So, who is the father of Horus?
Guess who the father of Horus is?
...Who is the father of Jesus?

Now, what does Jesus have to say on the subject of his parents?  And he says it almost as a punch line near the end of the Book of Revelation.

Revelation 21:16  "I Jesus have sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches.  I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star." 

In other words, Jesus is saying that he is the offspring of the Morning Star (Venus), implying that he is the Son of Isis.  But the Son of Isis is the mythological Horus.  Christians commonly associate Venus with Lucifer (cf. Satan), the bright evening star.  Confused?  Is this but another attempt to hide the truth about Isis?  Did the Christian fathers intentionally renamed the Mother of God the Virgin Mary?

Wood (1986, p. 49) states: "The almost inescapable conclusion is that the Virgin Mary is a remodelled image superimposed on the cult of the Black Madonna because it was too strong to destroy.  Furthermore the image of the Black Madonna has more in common with Magdalene than with the Virgin Mary.  At the church of Les Saintes Maries-de-la-Mer near Marseilles the association of Magdalene is acknowledged and it is a matter of historical record that the three Marys fled from the Holy Land to Marseilles, which is, of course, very close to the valley of Rennes.  There is sufficient imagery in the area to leave us in no doubt that the inference from Leo of Le Serpent Rouge is not unreasonable."

"Our elevation from the animal was effected by the seed of the Typhon or Satan into Isis the Supreme Goddess of mankind, and only by their guidance can we rise again.  The dedication shown to these deities by the sages of the past is the proof of their misrepresentation in religious history.  By this device man has been duped by intensive propaganda to such a degree that he fails to recognize the tiny fragments of truth which have survived the censorship of religious sects.  But even now we can see a movement in the swamp of deceipt.  The minds of men, ever inquiring, are becoming restless, they call for evidence not faith - truth requires no act of faith, it is self-evident" (Wood, 1986: p. 194).  By contrast, Orthodox Christianity considers gnosis or 'knowing the truth' to be heresy, and requires that their followers be like sheep, accepting on faith and without question whatever the Pope, Clergy, or interpretation of the written Word say.

The derived version:
Matthew (Mt) 1:16-17   16and Jacob [was] the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. 17So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.

The original source:
Talmud of Jmmanuel (TJ) 1:81    81Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel, who was impregnated by a distant descendant of the celestial son, Rasiel, who was the guardian angel of the secret knowledge.

THE PROBLEM.   Various analysts have noted that the actual counts do not quite tally up to 14 in each of the three groupings that the writer of Matthew subdivided the genealogy into (e.g., Beare, pp. 62-63). That writer's preference for the number 14 may have been due to the numerical values of the letters making up the name "David" in Hebrew summing to 14.

SOLUTION.   This problem does not exist with the TJ, which makes no mention of numbers or groupings of generations. (The TJ verse shown is probably too different from the Matthean verses to be termed a cognate.) It gives 16 generations from Abraham to David, 15 from David to the deportation, and 14 from the deportation to Jmmanuel. .

From Deardorff on the Talmud of Jmmanuel

Say that again? The guardian angel of the secret knowledge?  Is not that the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge?  Is not that the Serpent?

WORST; AND TO PROVIDE FOR IT." ---- Patrick Henry


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Permission to use pictures from GenIsis and GeneSet

----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Campbell <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Requesting permission.

BC: I would also like your permission to use your pictures and quotes on my
website, The Original Sin, with appropriate credit of course.

IC: That's not a problem as the pictures are mine and provided they are credited
as such, please use them.


Ian Campbell (B.Sc. Astrophysics)

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