SOW News

Web Changes and News

This web page is between 10-20 years out of date, and provides historical data about media interest and celebrities in UFO subjects.  It also contains updated information on Bruce Cornet's radio and television appearances. He appeared as a speaker at the Laughlin UFO Mega Conference between 15 and 22 February 2020.

Unconventional Aerial Phenomena in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York

Anatomy of an ET/Spiritual Deception of Biblical Magnitude

Table of Contents

Science News


Old News

Sirius Onion Works News

Special Journal Covers and Newspaper Articles

Contributions by Volume on BUFOD [U.K] website

Media Coverage for Sirius Onion Works

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Fossil Spores, Pollen, and Fishes from Connecticut Indicate
Early Jurassic Age for Part of the Newark Group

by Bruce Cornet, Alfred Traverse, and Nicholas G. McDonald

This is the paper published in Science magazine in 1973 that radically changed the views of geologists and paleontologists regarding the presence of extensive Early Jurassic age deposits along the East Coast (and on the offshore Continental Shelf) of North America, deposits that had been erroneously dated as Late Triassic for more than a Century.


A dilemma for angiosperm paleobotanists: Could the reason for a delayed radiation of angiosperms until the Cretaceous be linked to competition with flower-bearing conifers?



by Bruce Cornet and Nicholas G. McDonald

First presented at GSA Convention in Cromwell, CT, on 21 March 1995.


Is Biological Evolution molded by a template defined by physical environment?

by Bruce Cornet

In quest of the reason why Darwin avoided using the word "Evolution".


National UFO Center 


THE NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER    Dedicated to the Collection and Dissemination of Objective UFO Data                 

                   Click Here for the Latest UFO Reports                   NUFORC


Mimicry may be the Objective of ETI Triangular and Diamond-shaped Probes

new video of Manta Ray recorded on 4 May 2000

US Flag 


Creationists think that humans walked with dinosaurs during mid-Cretaceous time in Texas

But there are alternative explanations to that evidence, which do not violate the theory of Evolution, such as new species or ET visitation.


Is Biological Evolution molded by a template defined by physical environment?

In quest of the reason why Darwin avoided using the word "Evolution".



Aquarid Meteorite


by Robert Morningstar


by Bruce Maccabee

A Critical Analysis of the Orb Phenomenon

commonly captured on digital images

"A considerable "orb lore" has developed over the last few years about the nature of these strange orb images, with some people attributing them to "creatures" or intelligent entities from some other reality that are penetrating our reality."

Lauri Enterprises 

Lauri Enterprises Video Productions
Presents actual witness cancorder footage, eyewitness accounts, and expert testimony about these strange and unexplained UFO sightings just one hour north of New York City. Contains interviews with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Phil Imbrogno, and Scott Carr.

Cornet Answers The Skeptics
The Landings

Three different types of AOP, three fly-overs, and three "landings" over Lake Osiris in the countryside, all caught on video on 25 January 1997.

Estimate of the Situation 2000: The Black Triangles

by Harv Howard
(c) 2000

The Pine Bush Phenomenon is not dead.  It was just dormant.  On 18 December 1999 Cornet captured on video a mind-bending performance by what may have been the Manta Ray just as he and a friend were leaving the Wallkill River Valley after a day of sight seeing.

It's Happening Again!

New   The World of kt Frankovich and The Lime Grove Encounter. Her story of meeting a non-human entity carrying its pet in the daytime while she was in full consciousness is not only unique but quite convincing, given her background in studying and filming animal behavior. Awards include: The Gold Venus award at the Virgin Islands International film fest presented by director and founder Hunter Todd, and the Golden Horn of Plenty presented by actor Peter Graves; National Writer's Association, Poetry Award 1998; Michael King's Jabberwocky Poetry Competition 1998; and much more.

Where Heavens Meet

Where Heavens Meet

Where Heavens Meet chronicles the remarkable true story of k.t. Frankovich in her unique, phonetic, 'suthern' voice. From her extraordinary childhood and adult paranormal experiences, to achieving the coveted Gold Venus Award for screenwriting, k.t. is a phoenix twice risen: Once, surviving homelessness and poverty, crippled and wheelchair-bound on the streets of Miami with her 13-year-old son, and again, surviving Hurricane Andrew in South Dade, Florida. k.t combines her paranormal, extraterrestrial, and human experiences to reveal what the general public does not and should not know.

Order Now

"Where Heavens Meet"
ISBN  #1-894368-17-7

by k.t. Frankovich makes its debut
at the Project Awareness Convention
Clearwater, Florida November 1999

Cover art by Freydoon Rassouli
Inside illustrations by Rick Smith

KT Frankovich 

male ET search results: Where Heavens Meet.


The Passion of Bonnie

Her life was both extraordinary and tragic, but the ending to this true love story provides hope for all of us. Her story is on par with what k.t. Frankovich suffered and endured in her lifetime (Where Heavens Meet).   Understanding is provided to the question: Why must we suffer for God?

Evidence for telepathy, life after death, video images of her spirit over grave, and a huge disc-shaped object embedded in clouds overhead. Bonnie even coached Debra Winger for the movie Terms of Endearment.

Filer's Files Newsletter 

The man who designed the Testors Roswell craft.


Dr. Bruce Cornet Calls It Quits, Leaves UFOlogy...07/02/99

On the Mitch Battros Earth Changes TV website he officially states his desire to return to hard science for answers, because UFOlogy has failed to make any significant progress during his seven years of involvement (1992-1999). 

See also The Face-Lift statement.

Earth Changes link

Star Dance  Sam Sherman does it again!  He's back with the evidence that just won't quit.  Here is Proof that the government takes UFOs seriously.  You can listen to conversations between pilots giving chase and A.F. traffic controllers. Imagine, the U.S. Air Force even had an official UfO Officer.  The tape is now available at:



Dr. Bruce Cornet was interviewed by David Oates on his Reverse Speech radio show on 19 June 1999 from 11:30 pm to 1:00 am. The topics were the Orb Phenomenon and SETV.

David Oats          INTERACTIVE RADIO™


Mike Jarmus image 

The Mike Jarmus Program is leaving the air!

The Mike Jarmus Program, Reality and Beyond,

Dr. Bruce Cornet was interviewed on the Mike Jarmus radio talk show on 17 January 1999, and again on 25 April. Go to the Archives at

Dr. Bruce Cornet was interviewed by Don Ecker  on his new radio show, Strange Daze, Thursday 12:00 Midnight to 3:00 am Friday, 25-26 March 1999.  The show was carried on the Liberty Works Radio Network out of Baltimore, Maryland. Don is UFO Magazine's News Editor.


Mars Wipe 

X-Zone Radio 


One new web page has been added in 2000. Did Cornet capture conventional laser technology being used by an AOP? Check out The Laser Beam AOP Encounter.

Eleven new web pages have been added during 1999, along with a table listing the dates of sightings (with links) for the Manta Ray.  See The Ascent, Another Performance, Weird Sound, Light Show, Snaking Manta, Swamp Gas, Westchester Wing Sightings, August 1992 mini-Flap, The Experiment, The Martin Story, ETI Communication, Jibe Not, and It's Happening Again!  All totalled, there are 14 web pages devoted to the Manta Ray or Westchester Wing, which was documented in Night Siege (1987) on thousands of Hudson Valley sightings during the mid-1980's.

The Manta Ray, a term given by Cornet to the Pine Bush diamond-shaped AOP, is illustrated in Hynek et al.'s book Night Siege. It was documented on video and film numerous times by Cornet and Crystall between 1992 and 1997.   Some of the earliest performances were spectacular in what they revealed.  Two web pages have been dedicated to this AOP.  They both include animated gifs created from video frames of the 4 September 1992 and the 29 April 1993 sightings.  If you are interested, go to The Manta Ray and Cemetery Sighting.

Have you ever been followed home by a Boeing 707?  This is not a trick question.  It did happen.  So what's wrong with this picture?  If you want to know, read about Special Agent 707.

Have you ever looked up as a jetliner flew low overhead and wondered if the pilot was in trouble? Did you then watch in horror as the aircraft seemed to bank left and right out of control, and then dive into the ground? I did. I caught it on film.  But it wasn't a conventional aircraft, and it didn't explode on impact.   So what was it?  Go to The Illusion if you want to see an FT in action, and learn the fine distinction between deception and illusion.

FT probe caught on video over ocean at Sea Bright, NJ, producing The signal by its red and white lights. These data may provide the first optical evidence for ETI communication capability, content, context, and format.

Seventy-two mile Escort with communication by two AOP along the Garden State Parkway between Atlantic City and Red Bank, NJ,  in 1994, with two pictures showing the multicolored lights of the smaller object or craft.

To read about Dr. Cornet's most traumatic encounter experience in 1981, see the Mudlogging trailer, or the detailed transcript of his hypnotic regression (videotaped) for that experience, or a photograph of three AOPs that flew over the Bailey No. 1 wellsite.
Sirius Onion Works Establishes a New Internet Location.
See Volumes I to IV for more information at Ben Field's BUFOD website.

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Special Journal Covers and Newspaper Articles

Asbury Park Press (NJ), 15 April 1998

Hudson Valley magazine (NY), October 1997

Encounters, Special Alien Issue1 (UK), 1 October 1995

Herald Record (Middletown, NY), Sunday Magazine, 3 January 1993

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Contributions by Volume

Volume I, UFO Activity within Orange County, New York

Volume II, The Cydonia II Report, the Face-Lift

Volume II, The Original Cydonia II Report, Abstract

Volume II, The Age of the Martian Cydonia Complex

Volume III, A Continuing History of Sightings of Triangular-shaped Craft in the Wallkill River Valley of New York State

Volume IV, The Performance

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Media Coverage for Sirius Onion Works

All media coverage listed here is for Dr. Bruce Cornet.

Magazine and Journal Articles

Herald Record (Middletown, NY), Sunday Magazine, 3 January 1993: Close Encounters, True Believers, story by Stephen Israel about Ellen Crystall and Bruce Cornet, p. 3, 8-9.

UFO Magazine, March/April 1995: Long Saga on Lunar Anomalies by Don Ecker, on Cornet's analysis of lunar anomalies identified by Richard Hoagland.

Encounters, Special Alien Issue1, 1 October 1995: Telepathy, Abduction, Aliens and a scientist!, 9 page interview with Bruce Cornet by space-age reporter Neil Armstrong.

Reprinted in Alien Encounters, Spring issue 1996.

Unexplained Universe, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1996: Unlocking the Secrets of the "Phantom" Lunar Cities, story by John Chambers based on talk: Newly discovered Moon structures, presented at Project Awareness in Tampa, FL , May 1995.

Sciences Avenir, Juillet 1997, p. 79: OVNI connection, PlanetCyber (an image from and a paragraph about my web page - one of seven selected web sites).

Orbit, Cyberspace magazine, September 1997 (Kent Steadman, ed.): Earth Signals, UFO Phi Soundwave, and The Pine Bush Manta, by Dr. Bruce Cornet.

Hudson Valley magazine, October 1997, Vol. XXVI, No. 6, p. 22-29: Strangeness in the Night, A close Encounter with the mystifying world of UFO investigators, by Lynn Hazlewood (Editor-in-Chief), with one page on Bruce Cornet’s Pine Bush research. Cover picture shows Bruce Cornet, Barbara Hartewell, and Dawn Lay standing in a field at sunset with the Shawangunk Mountain in the background, entitled: UFO! Exploring the Pine Bush Phenomenon.

The TIMES the jersey shore, 26 March 1998, Vol. CXXII No. 13: Interesting Happenings in Your Own Backyard..., front page story by Tom Manni.

The TIMES the jersey shore, 2 April 1998, Vol. CXXII No. 14: Part Two: Interesting Happenings, by Tom Manni, p. 7.

Asbury Park Press, Section B, Coastal Monmouth, 15 April 1998: UFOs lift scientist to career high, front section story by Steve Giegerich. Column entirely about Dr. Bruce Cornet’s research.

Alternate Perceptions, Spring 1998, Issue # 42, 9-12: MUFON investigates Pine Bush anomalies, by Stephen Tzikas.

Alternate Perceptions, Spring 1998, Issue # 42, 12: Pine Bush Area Photos, by Dr. Bruce Cornet.

Television Appearances

Intergalactic Television Network (cable TV), hosted by Kenny LLoyd: Taped January 1993; aired April-May 1993, Three part series on Pine Bush UFOs.

Sightings (Fox 5): April 28-29, 1994; aired 21 May 1994.

The UFO, Japanese film production: May 9-10, 1994.

Encounters (Fox 5): 22-23 June, 1994; aired 22 July 1994.

Investigation UFO (cable TV), hosted by George Filer: 11 October 1994, Pine Bush UFOs and Moon structures.

Investigation UFO (cable TV), hosted by George Filer: 27 December 1995, Pine Bush UFOs.

Barbara Hartwell Show (cable TV): June-July 1995, Two part series on Pine Bush UFOs.

Roxanne Carol Show (for TV networks): taped 21 May 1995, interview on Moon structures.

Is There Anybody Out There? (for Discovery channel; Producer: Rory Millikin); taped on 23 September and 8-9 October 1995, about my personal abduction experiences and UFO sightings with my wife.

Pilot for UFO/Abductee documentary and television series: We’re Not Alone (NVI; Producer: John Topol; Director: Roberto Mitrotti); taped on 4 March 1996; 14 and 21 October 1996, about my personal abduction/contact experiences and implants with re-enactments (7 minutes on pilot).

Strange Universe: 28 August 1997, Hudson Valley and Pine Bush sightings.

Alien Agenda: 14 February 1998, Staten Island Community Television, with Host Vic Panzella Jr., Sargel 18 (Bryan Williams), Lisa D’Alessio, Tommy Hawksblood (Thomas Sinisi), Dr. Bruce Cornet, and Sylvia Mok.

Radio Talk Show Appearances

Encounters with Lee Clinton: 19 June 1994, Moon structures.

Laura Lee show: 8 July 1994, Moon structures.

Hieronomus show: 21 July 1994, Moon structures.

Don Ecker show: 31 July 1994, Moon structures.

Don Ecker show: 15 October 1994, Moon structures.

Laura Lee show: 17 October 1994, Moon structures.

Laura Lee show: 12 November 1994, Pine Bush UFOs.

Encounters with Lee Clinton: 20 November 1994, Moon structures.

Laura Lee show: 1 December 1994, Pine Bush UFOs.

Hieronomus show: 11 May 1997, Pine Bush UFOs.

KUKI Radio, Mendaceno, CA, 12 February 1998, on Pine Bush UFOs with Host Greg Gilbert.

Sightings on the Radio, 29-30 April 1998, Cydonia - a New Perspective with Host Jeff Rense.

X-Zone on the Radio, 29 August 1998, Pine Bush with Rob McConnell.

X-Zone on the Radio, 22 November 1998, more on Pine Bush with Rob McConnell.

The Mike Jarmus Program, Reality and Beyond, 10:00 pm EST to Midnight, 17 January 1999, Pine Bush phenomenon with Host Mike Jarmus, on the Internet at or at WWCR 5.070 Mhz Short-Wave. PO Box 722 Holmdel, NJ 07733-0722 USA.

X-Zone on the Radio, 7 March 1999, with Rob McConnell regarding Dr. Cornet's 12 August 1997 video of missile barely missing a jetliner on approach to Kennedy airport, on the Internet at

Strange Daze, on Liberty Works Radio Network, Midnight to 3:00 am, 26 March 1999, Pine Bush anomalies and abduction experiences with Host Don Ecker, on the Internet at

The Mike Jarmus Program, Reality and Beyond, 10:00 pm EST to Midnight, 25 April 1999, more on the Pine Bush phenomenon with Host Mike Jarmus, on the Internet at

Reverse Speech Radio Show, 11:30 pm EST to 1:00 am, 19 June 1999, the Orb phenomenon and SETV with Host David Oates at

The Paul Garson Show, 6:00 pm PST to 9:00 pm, 25 August 1999, the SETV project, its objectives and goals, on the Internet at

The Larry Hughes Show on News Talk Thirteen (1390) in Poughkeepsie, NY, 9:00 am EST to 9:28 am, 28 December 1999, on the Pine Bush Phenomenon and AOPs (914-471-1500).

The Mitch Battros Earth Changes program, 10 March 2000, 7:30 pm EST to 8:00 pm, on climatic cycles in geologic history, and climatic change in our future, archived at

The Bob Hieronimus Show, on 21st Century Radio (Liberty Works Radio Network), 9 April 2000, 7:00 pm EST to 9:00 pm, on climatic cycles, CMEs and Fatima prophecy, and Pine Bush AOP, at, and archived at

The Bob Hieronimus Show, on 21st Century Radio (Liberty Works Radio Network), 11 April 2000, 10:00 pm EST to 12:00 Midnight, on CMEs and Fatima prophecy, Pine Bush AOP, and personal experiences, at, and archived at

The Mitch Battros Earth Changes program, 21 February 2002, 6:50 pm to7:00 pm EST, on climatic cycles in geologic history, Olsen and Kent recent publications, and climatic change in our future, archived at

Jerry Pippin, The Jerry Pippin show, OK, Oklahoma, 3 May 2002, 11:00 pm to 12:00 Midnight EST, on AOP research, SETV, and Pine Bush, at http://www.jerry; Cornet archived at

Jack Landman, JMAN5 show, San Antonio, TX, 28-29 July 2002, 11:06 pm to 12:57 am EST, on Investigating the Flying Triangle, Pine Bush, and SETV, Part I archived at

Jack Landman, JMAN5 show, San Antonio, TX, 25-26 August 2002, 11:06 pm to 12:57 am EST, on Investigating the Flying Triangle, Pine Bush, and SETV, Part II and Detail on 1981 Wellsite Incident archived at

The Mitch Battros Earth Changes program, 12 August 2003, 10:00 pm to11:00 pm EST, on Supervolcanoes and Megatsunamis, and climatic change in our future, archived at

Jack Landman, JMAN5 show (From The Fringe, Successor to Cybercity), San Antonio, TX, 30 August 2003, 9:06 pm to 10:57 pm EST, on Scientific Investigation of AOP and SETV, at

Cosmo, the Cosmic Connector (Ted Rice), Cosmic Connection show (Reno, Nevada), 1-2 September 2003, 12:00 Midnight to 12:45 am EST, on The 20 August 2003 Sighting and Video of the Manta Ray and Its History, at (

The Mitch Battros Earth Changes program, 9 September  2003, 10:00 pm to11:00 pm EST, on the Yellowstone Supervolcano, archived at

Coast to Coast, 17 September 2003, 12:00 Midnight to 1:00 am EST, on the potential dangers of the Yellowstone Supervolcano.

Sightings on the Radio, 22 September 2003, 11:00 pm to 12:00 Midnight EST, on the Yellowstone Supervolcano - too much over-reaction, with Host Jeff Rense.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show, 17 June 2005, 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST, UFOs and Extraterrestrials, with Rob McConnell.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show, 23 November 2005, 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST, on my UFO research, with Rob McConnell.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show, 5 February 2008, 11:00 pm to 12:00 am EST, on UBO near Pine Bush, with Rob McConnell.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show, 30 July 2008, 1:10 pm to 11:00 am EST; 2:11 pm to 12:00 am EST, on UBO near Pine Bush, with Rob McConnell.

The AARF Show (Bigfoot Radio & other paranormal mysteries), 20 March 2008, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm MST, on Pine Bush UFOs, with Robert W. Morgan and Richard Van Dyke.

Erica Lukes, KCOR, UFO Classified, Las Vegas, NV, 7 April 2017, 5::00 pm to 7:00 pm MST, on Pine Bush sightings with reference to my web pages, Skinwalker Ranch knowledge gained at NIDS, and on alien agenda disclosed by Contactees.

Timothy Beckley and Timothy Swartz, KCOR, Exploring the Bizzare, Las Vegas, 4 May 2017, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, on Pine Bush sightings and Cornet's paranormal experiences, with Harold Egeln as second guest, who talked about hooded entities along Magnetic Mine Rd. near Brewster, NY.  

Sightings on the Radio, 9 June 2017, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST, on Robert Bigelow, NIDS, my abduction experiences, and about Bonnie in part, with Host Jeff Rense.

Erica Lukes, KCOR, UFO Classified, Las Vegas, NV, 23 June 2017, 5::00 pm to 7:00 pm MST, interviewing Joshua P. Warren on Brown Mountain, with Dr. Bruce Cornet calling in at 6:30 pm (702-425-9230) to ask Josh questions

Scott Teeters and Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 28 June 2017, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm MST, my geologic mapping and discoveries in the Wallkill River Valley, and discussion on antigravity technology developments.;;

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 11 July 2017, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm MST, Antarctica; Ice Age Theory; previous advanced civilization 110,000 years ago; Mt. Adam and Mt. Eve; Global Warming during the Sangamonian Interglacial.;;

Rense on the Radio, 10 August 2018, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST, Woman Who Bore the Male Child and Revelation Chapter 12, with Host Jeff Rense.

Rense on the Radio, 28 August 2018, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST, More Fascinating UFO Science and Revelations, with Host Jeff Rense.

Timothy Beckley and Timothy Swartz, KCOR, Exploring the Bizarre, Las Vegas, 15 November 2018, 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, on Pine Bush sightings, Wellsite abduction experience 1981, UBO under Jewish Cemetery,  Skinwalker Ranch knowledge, and Cornet's paranormal experiences.  

Robert D. Morningstar, Steve Ergmann and Scott Teeter, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 16 December 2018, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Pine Bush UFOs, Nazi UFO technology, Paper Clip,;;

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 13 January 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Pine Bush UFOs, Chinese Lunar lander, Lunar anomalies, Ezekiel's Four Faces on Marsl.;;

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 3 March 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, with Gregory Sova, Scott Teeters, on ET contact and spiritual encounters.;;

Kim Burrafatto, Stardrive Report, 29 March 2019, 2:00 pm MST, with Dr. Jack Sarfatti, on the Pine Bush UFO under cemetery and on reverse Doppler and its relationship to meta material UFO hulls and antigravity.

Cameron Brauer, PODBEAN.COM, 6 April 2019, Ever wonder what a UFO sounds like? Dr. Bruce Cornet is my guest!!, on his Pine Bush fieldwork and discoveries, and reverse Doppler sounds.

Barry Frankish and Tom Warrington, The Pure Paranormal Radio Show, 9 April 2019 - With special guest Bruce Cornet, Yorkshire U.K., 111th show,

Chant Hannah and Frank Stalter with Dr. Bruce Cornet on UFONN, 11 April 2019, Discussed GPR radar as physical evidence of UFOs, UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley and his work for Bob Bigelow. No longer available:

Rense on the Radio, 30 April 2019, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm PST, on asteroid impacts and NASA preparedness in detecting and notification, on past extinction impacts, and the survival of dinosaurs after the Cretaceous, Ica Stones, with Host Jeff Rense.

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 5 May 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, with Scott Teeters, on politics today, geology and plate tectonics, evolution and extinction.;;

Robert D. Morningstar, Revolution Radio, KeithAZ, NYC, 16 May 2019, 10:00 pm to 12:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Robert D. Morningstar & Keith Roberts on UFOs , alien Abductions, and female alien encounters.,

KeithAZ, Revolution Radio, NYC, 23 May 2019, 10:00 pm to 12:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet and Keith Roberts, Host, on UFOs , alien Abductions, and female alien encounters.,

Ryan Burns, Hero Paranormal Radio, 5 June 2019, 10:48 pm to 12:10 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Ryan Burns Host, on GenIsis, Alien Autopsy, Bonnie's ET connection, UAP in the Wallkill River Valley, to Hoagland and ancient civilizations.

TJ Morris, TJ Morris Radio, 6 June 2019, 10:00 pm to 12:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, TJ Morris Host, on history of involvement with UAPs, wellsite abduction 1981, on UAP book and Appendix I, and on Bonnie, her life and death, and Spirit over her grave, and hugh mothership in overhead cloud, all caught on video.

TJ Morris, TJ Morris Radio, 13 June 2019, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, TJ Morris Host, Janet Lessin, Dave Emmons, Tommy Sinisi, and amadpainter on various experiences each participant has had with ET and abductions.

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 16 June 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, with Scott Teeters and Dr. Bruce Cornet, on pregnancy, birth, and UFOs.,

Sacred Matrix, Revolution Radio, 16 June 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Host Janet Kira Lessin, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Sacha Lessin, and amadpainter on Pine Bush field research and on my book about Bonnie Cornet and her fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 12.,

Alien Project Organization, Revolution Radio, 27 June 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Hosts Janet Kira Lessin and David Emmons, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, on each of our experiences; on my contact with Maya and Lyra in Amsterdam (August 1963), and on two women at Disney World (Febr. 1995), and owl trinket replacement of my pocket notebook.,

Rense on the Radio, 1 July 2019, 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm PST, Stunning Crash of UFO in Wales, with Host Jeff Rense. 

Rense on the Radio, 16 July 2019, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm PST, on my new book, Unconventional Aerial Phenomena in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York, a promotion with Host Jeff Rense. 

Rense on the Radio, 19 July 2019, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST, on my wellsite abduction on 1 October 1981 at the Bailey No. 1 well, in front of my drilling crew and mudloggers for Geminoil, Inc. and Cornell Oil Company, with Host Jeff Rense. 

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 28 July 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, with Scott Teeters and Dr. Bruce Cornet, on the origin of our Moon and artificial structures and craters on and inside the Moon.,

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 13 October 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet, on geoengineering and UFO propulsion systems.,

Janet Kira Lessin and Theresa J. Morris, Revolution Radio, Portal Stargate show, 7 November 2019, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet and Hica on What happens on Death, and Where did we come from?

TJ Morris ET Radio Show, Blogtalkradio, Alien Command Organization, 8 November 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Amad moderating, with Theresa J. Morris, Robert Harber, Jenni Vasquez, Janet Kira Lessin, Dr. Bruce Cornet, and Hira, Round Table Discussion about hybrids and ET politics.

Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin, Revolution Radio, Aquarian Radio Show, 12 November 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet on his past lives, Woodrow Wilson, The Cydonia II Report, and who is the male Child?

Rense on the Radio, 21 November 2019, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST, on my my childhood contact experiences, implants, in HS uniform changing room, in Amsterdam with Maya and Lyra, and about Bonnie defying death and her psychic abilities, with Host Jeff Rense. 

Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin, Revolution Radio, Stargate Radio Show, 3 December 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Janet Lessin  and Sasha Lessin Hosts, Dr. Bruce Cornet co-Host, interviewing Robert Harber and Jenni Vasquez about their contact experiences and hybrid babies.

Dr. Bruce Cornet, Revolution Radio, ET Radio Show, 21 December 2019, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet Hosts, Theresa J. Morris co-Host, interviewing Robert Harber and Jenni Vasquez about their contact experiences and hybrid babies.

TJ Morris ACO Radio - Allied Command Organization, 27 December 2019, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet and Theresa J. Morris Hosts, talking about each other's paranormal and ET contact experiences, along with Morris's history with the Navy and Intelligence Community.

Dr. Bruce Cornet, Alienology Radio Show, Blogtalkradio, Alien Command Organization, 4 January 2020, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm MST, co-Host Theresa J. Morris, interviewing Melinda Czarnyszka Romanov, the Last Romanov, about her incredible fight against an evil Deep State and Shadow Government, who pursued and tried to kill her for revealing corrupt government money laundering of trillions of dollars to the Vatican.

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 6 January 2020, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet with Scott Teeters, on UFOs over New York and NYC, NUFORC, UFO Corridor, Stone Chambers - magnetic anomalies, Night Siege 1981-1986, predictions for 2020.,

TJ Morris ET Radio, Revolution Radio, 9 January 2020, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm MST, Theresa J. Morris Hosts, Dr. Bruce Cornet co-Host, with Dave Emmons, on world politics and curreent events.

Seth Brees, Skinwalker-Radio, 10 January 2020, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm MST, interviewing Dr. Bruce Cornet about Skinwalker Ranch and Robert Bigelow, and whether government is covering up something other than interdimensional transgressors. Recorded on Zoom

Timothy Beckley and Timothy Swartz, KCOR, Exploring the Bizarre, Las Vegas, 16 January 2020, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm MST, on Pine Bush sightings, UBO under Jewish Cemetery,  and Cornet's paranormal experiences.  

TJ Morris ET Radio, ACO Club - ACIR Radio Club History - UFO-Alien Contact, 24 January 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet and Theresa J. Morris Hosts, with Jan Aldrich, Ronny Dawson, Tommy Hawksblood Sinisi, talking about each other's paranormal and ET contact experiences, along with Aldrich's history of his Project Roswell 1947.

TJ Morris ET Radio, ACO Club - ACIR Radio Club History - UFO-Alien Contact, 5 February 2020, 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet and Theresa J. Morris with Jan Aldrich, Tommy Hawksblood Sinisi, and Janet Kira Lessin, talking about each other's paranormal and ET contact experiences..

SupernaturalGirlz, BlogTalkRadio, 12 February 2020, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm MST, Host Patricia Baker, with P.K. and George Lugos interviewing Dr. Bruce Cornet on UAP in the Wallkill River Valley of New York, and on his late wife, Bonnie, and her connection to the Annunaki and Egyptians.

Rense on the Radio, 14 February 2020, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm MST, on Anti Gravity and Sound Breakthrough,  meta-materials and reversed Doppler evidence, with Host Jeff Rense. ,

Robert D. Morningstar, Whose Behind the Mic, Revolution Radio, NYC, 1 March 2020, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet with Scott Teeters and Andrew Currie, on the Corona Virus and the Black Plague in the 14th Century of Europe and Asia.,

Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin, Revolution Radio, Stargate Radio Show, 5 May 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Janet Lessin  and Sasha Lessin Hosts, Dr. Bruce Cornet talks about The Cydonia II Report videos he recently published on YouTube.

Erica Lukes, KCOR, UFO Classified, Las Vegas, NV, 15 May 2020, 5::00 pm to 7:00 pm MST, interviewing Mick West on the UFO Narrative and conspiracy theories, with Andy from Germany calling in, and Dr. Bruce Cornet calling in at 6:15 pm (702-425-9230) to talk about Skinwalker Ranch drilling debacle.

Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin, Revolution Radio, Aquarian Radio Show, 16 June 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Janet Lessin  and Sasha Lessin Hosts Dr. Bruce Cornet, who interviews Susan Johnson, ET-human hybrid with extensive knowledge of her ET origins and contacts.

Robert D. Morningstar,, Revolution Radio, NYC, 20 July  2020, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Scott Teeters, Andrew Currie, Johny Webb, Communion on the Moon, celebration of Apollo 11 landing.,,

Joseph Foster & Bruce Pearson, UFOeventsMUFON, 8 August 2020, 11::45 pm to 1:45 pm MST, Susan Johnson & Bruce Cornet Zoom Meeting - Alien/Hybrids & Pine Bush anomalies.

George Knapp, Mystery Wire, 8 September 2020, 12:15 pm MDT, Dr. Bruce Cornet - NIDS, Skinwalker Ranch, and UFO Disclosure - Feb. 2020 - Laughlin UFO Mega Conference. Dr. Bruce Cornet - NIDS, Skinwalker Ranch, and UFO Disclosure - Feb. 2020 - Laughlin UFO Mega Conference

Robert D. Morningstar, Morningstar Report, Revolution Radio, NYC, 13 September 2020, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet with Scott Teeters, Andrew Currie, Johny Webb on the Navy disclosure on 16 December 2017 of Tic Tac, Gimbal, and GoFast videos, and individual sightings of UAP by Morningstar, Cornet, and Webb.,

Janet Kira Lessin Host,, 18 September 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Susan Johnson & Bruce Cornet, UFO Secret Space and UFO Vortex holographic image as possible evidence for a binary solar system.

Joseph Foster & Bruce Pearson, UFOeventsMUFON, 24 September 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Susan Johnson & Bruce Cornet Zoom Meeting - Pine Bush UAP planes and DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons). Passcode: !S2u=5$e

Janet Kira Lessin, Aquarian Radio Show, 16 October 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Janet Lessin Hosts Dr. Bruce Cornet & Susan Johnson: Seven years with an ET hybrid, Fulfilling Prophecy in Revelation Chapter 12, and Insider Information on How Religions Created and Scripture Controlled by Tall Whites (Anunnaki).

Janet Kira Lessin, Aquarian Radio Show, 18 October 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin Hosts, Dr. Bruce Cornet, Erin Montgomery, Robert Harber, Jenni Vasquez: Experiencer Panel on Meeting and Raising Hybrid Children.

Dean Caporella Zoom Interview, 9 November 2020, 11:00 am to 12:00 Noon, Dr. Bruce Cornet talks about his Wellsite Abduction on 1 October 1981.

Joe Foster Zoom presentation, 14 November, 12 Noon to 2:00 pm, "Alternative UFO UAP History of Monmouth County, NJ - 1958 - 2002, with Bruce Cornet contributing.

Tim Weisberg Skype Interview, 20 November 2020, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Midnight.FM, Dr. Bruce Cornet talks about his Pine Bush field work, how he got involved in Paranormal research, his extraordinary psychic late wife Bonnie and her Spiritual disclosures, his three hybrid children, and the returning of the Judeo-Christian Messiah.  Midnight.FM

Gary Leggiere, The Martian Revelation, 21-22 November, 11:00 pm to 1:00 am, Dr. Bruce Cornet discusses Martian Anomalies and The Cydonia II Report description, along with videos of the Black Triangle and Manta Ray.  http://www.thefacesof

Janet Kira Lessin, Aquarian Radion Show, 18 December 2020, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, UFO Secret Space, Janet Kira Lessin Hosts Roundtable Panel with Richard Knight, Susan Johnson, TJ Morris, and Janet Lessin, question and answer on human ascension, fight against Tall Whites, planet-sized starships, ET humans and human ETs, Wallkill River UAP, Revelation Chapter 12 fulfillment, and the return of a Messian.

Lorien Fenton, The Fenton Files, KCOR, 21 December 2020, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm MST, Anatomy of an ET/Spiritual Deception of Biblical Magnitude.,

Joe Foster, MUFON, Zoom meeting, 9 January 2021, 12:00 Noon to 2:27 pm MST, Martian Anomalies and Mysteries PowerPoint presentation.

Joe Foster, MUFON, Zoom meeting, 13 February 2021, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm MST, Discussion with Bruce Pearson about story of crash in New Jersey in 1970. Bruce Cornet participates in Panel Discussion.

Jason Guillemette MUFON, UAP Studies Podcast, 4 March 2021, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm MST, Discussion about how Bruce Cornet became involved with the paranormal and his 11 year UAP investigation near Pine Bush, NY.

Joe Foster, MUFON, Zoom meeting, 13 March 2021, 12:00 Noon to 2:27 pm MST, A Discussion on UAPs, On Which Are ETVs and Which Are ARVs or Human Constructs, PowerPoint Presentation.

MUFON MARIN SONOMA, online Zoom meeting, 1 May 2021, 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm MT, Lorien Fenton Host; Bruce Cornet Ph.D. presents: "Whose Technology Is This?" Wallkill River Valley Exotic Unconventional Flying Craft.

Lorien Fenton presents a memorial tribute to Mark McCandlish, 3 May 2021, on Skype at 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm MT, with Robert Morningstar, Bruce Cornet, and Melinda Leslie as guests.

Lorien Fenton, The Fenton Perspective, Freedom Slip, Revolution Radio, on Skype, 10 May 2021, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST,  History of Bruce Cornet's scientific accomplishments and discoveries.,

Irene Previn, online Zoom meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 5  June 2021, 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm MST, Interview with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Exploring my background, education, research, and interest in UAP and Alien Abductions; private recording.

Joe Foster, MUFON, Zoom meeting, 10 June 2021, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm MST, A Discussion by Hercules Invictus on his paranormal research, religion, spirits, ghosts, and ETs, with Bruce Cornet as part of a 10 person panel for questions and additional information.

Captain Ron, Observation Deck, Zoom meeting, 6 November 2021, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm MST. A never-before assembled panel of 15+ investigators and eye witnesses to one of the most incredible UFO/ET contact cases in history. Bruce Cornet on 9-11 am panel answering questions and comparing his wellsite abduction in 1981 with that of Travis Walton in 1975. The Observation

Bette Holtman, Host, Winnipeg UFO Researchers and Experiencers, 9 November 2021, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet On Experience With Entities; Evidence for Mimicry, Cloaking, Telepathy, Deception and Intrusion by Endemic Aliens in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York.

Stacey Wright, State Diirector Phoenix MUFON, 11 December 2021, 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet presented "Evidence for Mimicry, Cloaking, Telepathy, Deception and Intrusion by Endemic Aliens in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York"

Bette Holtman, Host, Winnipeg UFO Researchers and Experiencers, 8 March 2022, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet was asked to describe his abduction at the Bailey No. 1 wellsite in October 1981 and meeting Maya and Lyra in Amsterdam in August 1963.

Cameron Logan Bauer, Host, My Alien Life Podcast, 12 March 2022, 6:00 pm to 7:25 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet talked about how he became involved in UAP, how he discovered he was an Abductee, and how he met his alien children.

Jennifer Stein, Host, Zoom Main Line MUFON PA, 19 March 2022, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Dr.Bruce Cornet talked about his Wellsite Abduction in 1981, and read his hypnotic regression transcription, describing Wrinkled-Brow Aliens taking his sperm, and meeting his two hybrid children, Anora and Khyle, by his late wife Bonnie, before he met her in 1969. https://us02web.zoom,us/j/3577953041,

Jacob Robbins, Host, Aliens UFOs and Ghost Stories, Spotify, 14 May 2022, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm MST, Abductee Dr. Bruce Cornet PhD: Doctor, Professor, Research Scientist, Geologist, Author, Palynologist, Paleobotanist; ep 30 Bruce Cornet-Hudson & Wallkill River Valley.

Robert Morningstar, Host, The Right Stuff, 13 June 2022, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, with Peter Bisulca and Dr. Bruce Cornet, UFO Revelations, Part III.  Skype.

Hercules Invictus, Producer: Blogtalkradio, Disclosure Network with Nick Curto, 4 March 2023, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, The Passion of Bonnie story and my involvement in UAP field investigations in the Wallkill River Valley of New York.

Press Release, Marquis Whose Who in America, 2023-2024, biograpy for Walter Bruce Cornet. 24/7 access to your interview.

Fade2Black with Jimmy Church, 18 May 2023, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, Ice Ages and Ancient Pyramids. Ep. 1812 Dr. Bruce Cornet: Ice Ages and Pyramids!

Alien Talk with Stuart Eglington, 20 May 2023, 9:00 am to 10:40 am MST, with Ted Rice and Bruce Cornet, comparing experiences meeting Maya and Lyra one month apart in July and August 1963.

Nick Curto, Host to DNNY BlogTalkRadio, 2 September 2023, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, The Significance of Underground Alien Bases in Southern New York, and Why Government Does Not Want Them Disclosed.

Morningstar Report, Part 1, 11 September 2023, 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm MST, Interview by Robert Morningstar of Dr. Bruce Cornet's discovery that the ETME or End Triassic Mass Extinction was not global.

Morningstar Report, Part 2, 11 September 2023, 8:30 pm to 9:32 pm MST, Interview by Robert Morningstar of Dr. Bruce Cornet's discovery that the ETME or End Triassic Mass Extinction was not global.

Perception Talk Radio, 14 September 2023, with Johnathan Macedo, Host, 5:30 pm to 6:46 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet discusses Dinosaurs, Mass Extintion, the Earth some millions of years ago, and UFOs, NIDS and Skinwalker ranch.

Rena Dunsworth, Abduction Zoom Meeting, 22 September 2023, 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm MST, NYC. Zoom Code: 271 512 7179, Password: 9ru525

Mars Revelation, 29 September 2023, with the Mars Revealer, Host, 10:00 pm to 12:00 midnight MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet and Dr. John Brandenburg, The Faces on Mars and the Cydonia II Report.

Spaced-Out Radio, 25 October 2023, with Dave Scott, Host, 10:00 pm to 12:00 midnight MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet talks about Pine Bush UAP, ETs walking among us, Underground Alien Bases, Mars Anomalies, the Face on Mars and the Cydonia Complex also on Earth, the Moon and its artificial surface.

Nick Curto, Host to DNNY BlogTalkRadio, 3 August 2024, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, with Dr. Bruce Cornet, The Significance of Underground Alien Bases in Southern New York, and Why Government Does Not Want Them Disclosed.

Morningstar Report, 5 August 2024, 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm MST, Interview by Robert Morningstar of Dr. Bruce Cornet's discovery that the ETME or End Triassic Mass Extinction was not global, and Captain Sinclair from South Koria on UAP in New York.

Fenton Perspective, 19 August 2024, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm MST, Interview by Lorien Fenton of Dr. Bruce Cornet's early years, education, and career in geology and Palynology, then involvement with UFOlogy and the Pine Bush Phenomenon, NY. Revolution Radio at - Studio B, the-fenton-perspective-2024-08-19.mp3 2024-08-19 18:58   32M 

MUFON meeting, Marin Sonoma, CA, 7 September 2024, 4:00 pm to 6:00 MST, Host Lorien Fenton, two hour Zoom PowerPoint Presentation: Wallkill Exotic Unconventional Flying Craft, NY.

Meanwhile Now On Earth, Ithica, NY. 9 September 2024, Hosted by Peter Robbins, 5:00 pm MST, 1 hr 53 min interview with Dr. Bruce Cornet on his career in geology, paleobotany, palynology, CEO of Independent Wildcat Oil Company, and 11 years field research in New York of UAP and aliens living in underground bases near Pine Bush, NY.

Morningstar Report, Revolution Radio Studio B, 16 December 2024, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm MST, Interview by Robert Morningstar of Drone Mystery, with Dr. Bruce Cornet and Doug Auld in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Video-20241217_035850-Meeting Recording.mp4

Speaker at Professional Conferences

UFO Conference East, NYC, 20 November 1993: Pine Bush UFOs, lecture and workshop.

Cody Conference, Cody, WO: Mars / Moon Forum, 14-18 September 1994; gave three talks on Moon structures.

Omega Conference, North Haven, CT: The UFO Experience, 9 October 1994, Ellen Crystall and Bruce Cornet, Revelations about UFOs at Pine Bush, NY.

Tomorrowland Conferences and UFO panels, Walt Disney World, FL: 28 January - 3 February 1995, headed by Don Ecker.

Ozark UFO Conference, Eureka Springs, AR: 8 April 1995, Spaceship Moon: Extraordinary new evidence of the artificial nature of the Moon; Pine Bush UFOs: An insider's view of alien technology never before revealed to mankind.

Project Awareness, Tampa, FL: 19-21 May 1995, Newly discovered Moon structures, 2 1/2 hrs. Special Event.

Capstone House, Inc., Northwest Florida's Inspirational Learning Center, Sixth Anniversary Speakers: 14 October 1995, (1) What NASA hasn't told us: Enormous artificial structures above and below the surface of the Moon, and (2) The Mars/Earth connection: Cydonia II on Earth and its relationship to the Hudson Valley/Pine Bush, NY, anomalous aerial object sightings. Back to back speaker with Wendelle C. Stevens.

The 7th Great UFO/ET Alien & Abduction Congress, 20 April, 1996, Bordentown, NJ, Artificial Structures on the Moon, 2 1/2 hrs.

Press Conference held by Michael Luckman at the St. Merits Hotel, NYC, 12 August 1996. I spoke about my discovery of Cydonia II on Earth in light of NASA's announcement of its discovery of fossil bacteria in an supposed martian meteorite found on Earth.

United Friends Observer Society (UFOS), monthly meeting in Pine Bush, NY, 4 July 1997, invited speaker: Transient Luminescent Phenomenon in the Pine Bush Area, 2 hrs.

The First Skywatch Internation UFO Conference, Phoenix, AZ: 16 November 1997, Black Triangles over Pine Bush, 1 1/2 hrs.

Exploring the Unexplained: Paranormal Phenomena, Mohonk Mt. House, 24 January 1998, Transient Luminescent Phenomena, skyglyphs and their Sirius mythological message, 1 hr.

Conference on Future Energy COFE11, in Albuquerque at the Plaza Royal Hotel, 9 August 2019, Dr. Bruce Cornet, Invited Speaker, Wallkill Exotic Unconventional Flying Craft, an Eleven Year Study.

Extraordinary Technology Conference, in Albuquerque at the Plaza Royal Hotel, 10 August 2019, Dr. Bruce Cornet, Guest Speaker, Wallkill Exotic Unconventional Flying Craft, an Eleven Year Study.

2nd Annual Laughlin UFO Mega Conference, NV, 17 February 2020, Dr. Bruce Cornet, Unconventional Aerial Phenomena, Underground Alien Bases, Wallkill River and Hudson River Valleys, 120 minutes.

2nd Annual Laughlin UFO Mega Conference, NV, 20 February 2020, Dr. Bruce Cornet, Anatomy of an ET/Spiritual Deception of Biblical Magnitude, 90 minutes.

MUFON, 11 December 2021, Stacey Wright, State Diirector Phoenix, 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pm MST, Dr. Bruce Cornet presented "Evidence for Mimicry, Cloaking, Telepathy, Deception and Intrusion by Endemic Aliens in the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York"

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Last modified: December 17, 2024